Chapter 17

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"I can be tough, I can be strong.
But with you, it's not like that at all." - Avril Lavigne, Wish You Were Here

Werewolf Kingdom
Romanov Estate/Castle
The Conference Room

Fyrrah's POV

"Are you telling me that there's a traitor in my kingdom?" He growled lowly, eyes shifting between gray and eagle eyes.

That alone confirmed his anger even though his expression remained as hard as stone. "Yes." I stressed, matching his firm façade.

One word. That one word was enough to trigger the Deadly King. It happened so fast. Claws lengthening, eyes shifting and his crest stood up like a cat does when threatened.

"You seemed to forgot who I am, Draconia. How I run my kingdom."

"I know that, and I will never forget how you let me live when I was at your mercy. But you seemed to forget what I've been through. I called you here as soon as possible because I don't want you to experience what happened to me..." I took a step forward, hands clenching in anger. "Betrayal... I fuckin' know how that feels."

He was silent for a moment, the room was immobilized with awkward tension and air of dominance. Alessio rubbed my arms gently to calm me down and I have to admit it's working. However, I can't say the Air King will calm down anytime soon.

Artemis, being the oldest among us, took the first step in calming Heaven. Her hand gently held his, pulling him back down on his seat.

"Your highness, I think Fyrrah won't drag you into this matter if it isn't important. From what I've heard for the past half an hour in this room with all of you, I think you should try and see the end of their report. Then you shall decide, whether this is a waste of time or a really important matter."

Speaking like a queen. Heaven Aer finally found one.

Heaven nodded absentmindedly as he stared at the witch. Ares prepared the presentation and once again, the names of the traitors we have been studying earlier flashed in the huge screen. I can see how both Heaven and Artemis' faces ashened.

Both of them recognized some names. Artemis might be of help too.

The profiles of the two air elves were displayed after that. The first one, Taran Guervo, was also an ESDC member. Nothing much in his life other than personal informations. The second, Warren Tallar, was the number one outlaw and the rebels' leader. He waged rebellion against Heaven's rule. He was number one on Heaven's death list.

"We found out that they were being payed monthly. Tallar was also being provided with Chameleons and combat weapons every month. Arranging the transactions in chronological order, it shows that the partnership has been sealed for over a decade now." Tristan elaborated.

Virgo nodded, "That also means that they already have enough weapons in their arsenal to attack anytime soon. Heaven, I think this requires your attention."

The king was silent for a while, weighing the possible outcomes of this illegal business. "What plans do you have in mind?"

Alessio have something to say about that. "We suspect Elisa Vulcan was imprisoned in one of the Packs cooperating with Leonardo. To find out what pack, we planned something for the coming full moon." He paused for a while, "But since Virgo was already here, and Fyrrah had mentioned to me before that he saw the gamma who came in their kingdom, I would like to request him to take a look at the picture of the gammas in our kingdom and identify the one he saw."

"Anything for my sister," He breathed deeply. Anthony escorted him to his office where important files regarding the ranked wolves were kept.

"Little elf, Artemis must have something important to tell you." Alessio turned to me and said innocently as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Are you kicking me out?" I growled.

He chuckled, "Of course not, we'll just have a little talk about the plan on full moon."

I raised an eyebrow at him before walking towards Artemis who was right now excitedly waiting outside the room.

"You seemed excited about it," I furrowed my eyebrows. "Or are you excited to come back and see the Air King once again?" I teased, smirking at her horrified expression.

"FYRRAH!" She scolded, red in embarrassment as I laughed at her.

"No need to shout, Wiccan. I'm just joking." I giggled, opening the door to Alessio's office. "Okay... Spill." I said once I have already locked the door.

"Ifoundthemissingpagesofthebook." She said all in one breath.

I stared dumbfounded at her, "C-Can you please slow down? I don't understand a thing, Wiccan." I groaned.

She just chuckled, "I found the missing pages of the book."

I nodded, trying to register the information. "And...?"

"You are a queen!" She said jumping up and down.

I frowned in confusion. Does the missing pages really states Fyrrah Vulcan is a queen? How the hell am I going to become a queen and how the hell does the writer know about me?

Seeing my expression she sighed exasperated. "It says that only the heir/heiress of the crown can touch the stones of the elves. You were taught wrong when they said all the royals can. Your father must have known it, the next king or queen can only access their element once the stone is already in their hands."

I am the true heiress of the throne.

Holy shit! I'm a queen!

My eyes slowly widened upon realizing another thing. I stared at her agape, and she returned it with an elated smile meaning she knows what I am thinking.

"Only the heir can hold the freakin' fire stone?" I asked, trying to clear things.

She nodded eagerly.

"And an heir to the throne can only access her element once the stone was with him?" I asked again.

"Yes. Yes. Yes!" She answered excitedly.

Hope blossomed in my heart and tears started falling from my eyes. She smiled warmly at me, wrapping her arms around my frame.

I can use fire. I can access fire.


That was a huge revelation, wasn't it?

Who liked Heaven Aer so far? Would you be happy to know that the second book of the series Royals of the Realm is all about him??

The Lethal Air is finally out, you can check it now in my profile. Since TFF already reached 17 chapters, I think it would be nice to start the second book. Good news, readers... Though both books are connected, you don't have to worry about the events in a jumble because there will be brief explanations if I am going to include scenes from The Fallen Fire.

For those wondering, I rated it 'Mature' because of some violence in the story and I don't want this story to be reported. No sexual contents, don't worry. :)
Thank you for reading :)

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