Chapter 15

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"Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." - Henry Ford

Werewolf Kingdom
Romanov's Estate/Castle
The King's Chambers

Alessio's POV

"Every damn thing is complicated. We would need someone from their side to decode these informations." Anthony said with a sigh.

I kept silent, silently observing the web of transactions and possible clues to find Fyrrah's sister and dismantle Leonardo's group. I still don't know how this thing could take us days to crack when our enemy is only a mere organization... okay, with a war strategist leader. The problems regarding these informations is driving me crazy. Plus the fact that my mate is now lying in a deep sleep on a hospital bed, I don't think I'll survive in this without her.

The screen shows the transactions of the group for the past years, so we hacked the Fire Elves' banking system to find the owner of the accounts, or to where does the money goes. Sadly, we're already half the list yet no accounts matched them. Next, we tried to decode their plans by going through their activities and it shows that they are the main producers of Chameleon.

The Chameleon is the potion Fyrrah and I drank to hide our scents and dominance. Apparently, it is created not only for that but also to weaken the enemies by merely spraying an enough amount in the air they breathe. Impressive.

They distributed supplies of those in every neutral territory. A few selected stores in every kingdom were also being supplied for the past years. What I don't get is how can they supply such drug in a closed kingdom like the Spirit Kingdom and the Vampire Kingdom?

What if...?

I sucked in a breath... What if there were also members in the other kingdoms? What if Leonardo's not our only big time enemy?... What if he's actually one of the many?

"Where is the list of the accounts?" I asked him.

Berlin gave me the list, there were X marks on those we have already tried. Eight more accounts left.

"Just continue trying to find these eight." I ordered Berlin before turning to Ares, "Get a copy and find these accounts in our banking system."

He nodded before returning to face the computer monitor again. If one of those accounts matched one from our system then what I have in mind must be true.

"Alessio! Berlin found something..." Tristan called from the other side of my office so I hurriedly went to see it.

There, in glowing letters, one account matched the Fire Elves'. Sandoval Harke, an ESDC member.

"Every month, 3,000 aurum coins were being deposited in his account." Berlin explained.

I nodded, "He must be doing something for Calisto."

"Exactly." Tristan agreed.

After putting a check in his name Berlin goes through his profile, listing all the important informations.

"Are we going to visit this man right away?" Anthony asked with enthusiasm, probably because he wasn't able to come when we attacked the base yesterday.

I chuckled, "Not yet, man." He pouted, batting his eyelashes at me making me gag. "Alright, I'll tell you when so you can come."

He squealed like a girl after that. Damn, I have a weird gamma. We all looked at the door when a knock interrupted us.

"Alpha, the Luna's awake!"

I was frozen in shock hearing those words. Fyrrah's awake...

'Don't just stand there! Go to our mate, dumbass!' My wolf growled in my mind, so eager to see our beautiful little she-elf. I nodded at Tristan, signalling he's in-charged to report everything they have found right away. After that I hurriedly left my office, heading straight to the room where Fyrrah's in. Caleb stood guard outside her room with another two guards. They bowed their heads in respect before opening the door for me.

"You look horrible."

My eyes landed on her smiling face. Although telling me I look horrible face-to-face makes me want to strangle her especially since she's one of the reasons why I look like this, seeing her awake and that radiance she emits makes me want to drown her in kisses.

"I know." I replied smiling, bending down lightly to capture her lips with mine. The moment our lips touched my wolf demanded control over my body, growling in approval at how her lips felt so soft and warm against ours. Her small hands cupped my face, lightly brushing her thumb over my cheeks. We pulled away, gasping for air. "Damn, you'll be the death of me."

She chuckled, "Oh, is it because I haven't brushed my teeth yet?"

I grinned sheepishly, "Yeah. And you stink, too." I scrunched my nose to tease her more, smelling her neck playfully. Still smells divine, though, I sighed in content.

She pretended to think, "I was also thinking about that. So now I have come up to a solution."

"And what is that 'solution'?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Duh, since you told me I stink I won't sleep beside you tonight in our room. You don't want me contaminating your room, do you?" She smirked triumphantly.

I stared at her with my mouth agape. Here she is, no more that half an hour awake from a coma and she's already smart mouthing me. I know she's naturally witty but it increased, this was the aftermath of the coma.

"I was hoping you would invite me to take a shower with you." I glared playfully, "And whether you smell so divine like a rose or so bad like a garbage truck I'll always want you beside me, little elf."

She laughed. How I missed that heavenly sound.

"I never knew the Alpha King can be so sweet."

"Only for you and you know that." I winked at her.

"Now I'm flattered."

We both laughed at that. It's funny how spending just a few minutes with her could make me forget all the worries in the world.

Maybe an hour later I would also forget even my own name.

What scares me is that I'm totally fine with it.


Is it Love already? ;)

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