•Chapter 3

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"...when a man is denied to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw." - Nelson Mandela

Werewolf Kingdom
Romanov Estate/Castle
The King's Chamber

Fyrrah's POV

"Not guilty, your highness." I scowled at him, standing in front of his desk with my hands on my waist.

He sighed, exasperated, "You destroyed one-eight of the property of the Moonlight Pack. I can't let you go that easily."

"You listen to me Alpha King Alessio Samael Romanov because I am going to say this only once." My temper flared, "I can't access fire! Why do you think I'm an outcast, travelling alone?! So your idea of me being a damn arsonist is ridiculous!"

He breathed deeply, eyeing me with an unknown emotion flashing in his eyes. It borders between pain and pity. Well, I don't need one. He brought me in his office right after we arrived to discuss my situation. Now he is accusing me of burning one-eight of Alpha Luces' property. He remained silent, contemplating the situation.

"Look, if I really can I would've made you 'fried Alessio' by now. I'm only relying on my bow and arrows for protection so it's impossible for me to start the fire." I stated calmly.

"But that doesn't mean I would let you go that fast. Remember Fyrrah, it's because of you that they are there. You didn't start the fire yes, but you started a riot. In our kingdom." If it wasn't for my anger stopping me, I would have kissed him senseless hearing him say my name like that. Like a lover's caress under the moonlight. I ignored his emphasis on 'our' because I damn well know this is their kingdom.

"How do you know they're waiting for me there? What if they're protecting something? Hiding something?" I taunted, which is not a good idea seeing his jaws tightly clenched and eyes darkening.

"My men are loyal to their king." He growled, rejecting the idea that someone in his pack or kingdom would dare protect outsiders without telling him.

I chuckled darkly, despising the word 'loyalty'. "Funny how I thought the same thing before. Look where that got me, almost dying and fighting for survival everyday. Don't reason loyalty with me because I know what shit that word can bring." I spat, all I can see was red. Reliving the memories does that to me, my already red eyes darkened and consumed even the whites of my eyes. Before anything can happen further I released a sharp breath, enough to lighten my eyes and the uneven bulges on the surface of my skin to disappear.

He was in front of me in an instant, gently cupping my face with his hands and rubbing his thumb across my cheeks. He kept murmuring 'I'm sorry' while his face was burried in my hair, calming my overly active nerves. His woodsy scent with a mix of pine and fresh rain, minus the perfume which smells manly, made me forget why I was angry in the first place. The door suddenly opened, hitting the wall with a loud bang and a very gorgeous woman with a very angry expression entered the room. She looks ready to kill and another two wolves appeared, trying to stop the raging mother hen. Alessio lifted his head, growling a warning when he saw the woman striding across the room towards us. I think I already have an idea what's happening. Judging at how gorgeous this man beside me looks, with the power and strength to conquer an entire kingdom alone I can picture thousands of women falling on their knees for him. Typical.

I tried to step away from Alessio but he held me tight looking at the girl murderously while holding me protectively. He kissed my temple with a purr making me roll my eyes. His hands travelled down to my waist to keep me still. Freakin' caveman.

"What is this, Alessio?!" The woman screeched, making me wince. This is one of the times I curse having enhanced supernatural hearing.

Alessio, sensing my distress, snarled with dominance leaking out of every pore in his skin. "That's Alpha King to you."

The Fallen Fire (Royals of the Realm Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now