Chapter 9

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"Name the greatest of all inventors. Accident." - Mark Twain

Neutral Grounds
Blood Moon Forest
The Dragon's Cave

Fyrrah's POV

The sound of the waves crashing on the rocky coast chased away the lingering silence from the forest where we came from. The gentle breeze of the wind calmed my nerves which were alert due to our whole day trek. The gentle waves hitting the sand erased all the tracks we had left and soon we were already climbing rocks after rocks. The mosses made them slippery but we managed to reach the huge rock I used to close the entrance of the cave... The Dragon's Cave.

"We're here!" I said in a sing-song voice.

"Are you sure? I don't see any cave." Alessio spoke from behind me. I giggled a bit before pushing the rock slightly to the right to reveal a narrow entrance enough for me and him to fit in. Alessio handed me the torch light but I told him to keep it for emergency cases, we won't need one inside. I walked in with him in tow and he helped me pull the rock back to its place. Darkness surrounded us and on instinct he pulled me closer to him, his muscles tensed and his stance was alert for any upcoming attack.

"It's fine, I'll lead the way." I dragged him further into the heart of the cave and not long before a ray of light was seen at the end of the passageway. When we reached it I pulled a lever down and the wooden door was lifted, showing a room filled with stalactites and stalagmites glowing gold. Droplets of water provided glitters, giving the room a picturesque touch and the stalactites a chandelier look. One side of the cave was full of stolen bags and possessions of Leo's men, stacked and almost reaching the ceiling. On the other side was a stream with a mini waterfall I used for bathing. The water was crystal clear, it's usually cold during summer and warm in the winter season.

"Unbelievable..." Alessio muttered, eyes wide and jaw dropping in awe and amazement. It's truly a sight to behold, that's also how I reacted when I discovered this hidden paradise.

"We could stay the night if you want. We'll continue in the morning, let's rest for a while." I took his hand in mine and we crossed the stream by jumping from one rock to another. I led him up the stairs I made and to the elevated ground where I sleep. Bear fur covered the cold earth and two comfortable pillows were placed on top of it. "You shared your bed with me, now I share mine with you."

We got ready for bed after he insisted we try the stream water together. Thankfully I still have scented oils to use as soap. Right now we were already in my so-called bed and Alessio's unbelievably silent the whole time. He just kept staring at the scenery before us while absentmindedly running his fingers through my hair. I used his other arm as a pillow while my arms were wrapped around him.

"You know, I'm starting to think you're planning to murder me in my sleep." I said jokingly.

His gray eyes turned to me, alight with mischief and playfulness. The cave lights accented his eyes, giving them a golden hue and I'm beginning to like it. "Oh how wrong you are, little elf..." He answered in a sultry voice, sending shivers down my spine and making me gulp. That didn't go unnoticed by him as his eyes darkened a little.

"What were you thinking then?" I asked carefully, not wanting to touch a string barely hanging. If he's really thinking about what I thought he was thinking then I'm screwed. Damn, this man is the only person I am truly scared of. He's making me feel needy, He's making me want him. Any independent person hates to rely on someone, how much more to need and want someone? Ask an independent woman to marry, you'll get a whack in the head. Sounds good? Yeah, probably.

"I was thinking about a certain spitfire... How I want to wrap her in my arms like this," He whispered seductively in my ear, caging me in his strong arms. "How I badly want to spend the night with her, alone in a magnificent cave. Just the two of us, enjoying the romantic air nipping at our exposed skin and breathing each other's scent." He finished by laying a light kiss on my neck. "Tell me you want that too..."

The Fallen Fire (Royals of the Realm Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now