Chapter 10

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"Great acts are made up of small deeds." - Lao Tzu

Neutral Grounds
The Fairy's Pub

Fyrrah's POV

"Remind me why I agreed to go in the first place." He winced, gray orbs scanning the room flashing with neon lights. Loud cheers were everywhere as well as horny immortals dirty dancing on the dance floor. Wolves, witches, elves and a few demons, celestials, and vampires... you name it, the Fairy's Pub got it. As much as it annoyed me to say, this is the only place where we can fish out for more informations without seeming weird and demanding. Those reckless people who went here won't hesitate to tell you everything, afterall you don't know them, they don't know you and there's only 0.01% chances of you bumping into each other outside the pub. The careful ones would steer clear.

"I hate to say 'I told you so' but I need to." I smirked with a wink. We argued earlier about him insisting to go with me inside. For first timers it's usually bad, very bad, and I don't want him to experience having the loud music beat the hell out of his eardrums. I was almost as good as a deaf for half a day right after I went out of here.

"How the hell can these people endure the damn sound?" He growled lowly, his face screams annoyance and irritation.

"Because they've grown used to it. Anyway, would you like to drink?"

He shook his head while whispering a 'no'. Jet black hair falling freely, some over his face. I was already brushing stray locks behind his ear before I realized what I was doing. The soft strands felt good in my fingers and now that I had a proper look it, his hair was already two inches longer than the first time we met. It suits him though, I thought.

Grays eyes locked on my red ones, the intensity of his stare brought forth a new sense of intimacy and not even the blaring sound from the speakers disturbed our own little world... but a voice did, an oh so annoying one.

"Baby!" The familiar voice heightened my frustration. She looped her arms seductively around Alessio's, purring like a cat in heat. I don't even know if cats go into heat, she just sounds like one.

"Samantha," The alpha king growled. Gently prying her arms off of him but the woman clung to him more tightly like a lizard. Seriously, I need to stop comparing people with animals.

"I know you'll come back to me soon, you left the red-haired girl for good, right?" She chirped happily.

I cleared my throat, effectively shutting her up and she turned to glance at me, "Sorry to interrupt your sweet moment but the red-haired girl is actually right here, not on some planet."

Her eyes narrowed into slits, looking like a cobra ready to attack. Red-coated lips pursed into thin line in anger and hands were placed on her waist. She looked me up and down, smirking when she saw my awful attire before sashaying her hips attractively at Alessio. "You should try their drinks here, babe!" She turned back to him, completely ignoring me.

"Thanks, but no. Me and my girl will be on our way now. We're done here." Alessio grumbled, finally able to pry her off of him. My girl...

"You can't be serious! You're choosing that girl over me?" She whined like a five-year-old being told no.

Alessio smirked, wrapping me in his arms before kissing me on the lips, enough to prove Samantha and everyone else I'm his. "For the record, you're right. I'm choosing this girl over you."

A few of the regulars cheered at the petty argument and display of affection making my face flush in embarrassment. "Caveman." I muttered, glaring at the smug looking Alessio.

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