Chapter 12

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This chapter is dedicated to Queen-Deka and SurgeonOfDeath11

Thanks guys! Love lots!

"No one really knows why they are alive until they know what they'd die for." -Martin Luther King

Neutral Grounds
The Underground Base

Fyrrah's POV

The loud beat of the music blaring from the speakers resonated throughout the entire room, the box I was in even vibrated matching the beat.

"Where to?" Berlin murmured, trying hard to be unnoticed.

"Any room. I need to get out of this box first before going through the plan." I answered.

Ares stayed outside the room to alert us if someone's around. Once I was out of the box I sighed dramatically, making Berlin roll his eyes at me.

"What? Where's the fun when there's no drama??" I grinned maniacally. The thing is, the man in front of me knows pretty well how an adventurous mind works.

His eyes narrowed into slits, "I know what you're thinking and no, we'll stick to the plan."

I groaned, "Oh c'mon, don't be an ass."


"One person only! And he knows more information, I'm sure he knows where my sister is." I pleaded, sporting the best look I know he can't resist.

He nodded, unsure. "One person only, and we're doing it after we're done with what we planned" He reminded, before furrowing his eyebrows in concern. "Are you okay?? You look like you need to use the bathroom."

Ouch. Well anyway, I got what I wanted. I nodded excitedly and soon we were out of the room on our way to the control room. We passed by a drunk wolf who tried to grab me but the two were quick to stand in front of me, knocking him out. Ares searched for a pass in the drunk man's pocket. We would need it to gain access inside the control room.

"There's nothing. I'm afraid we would need to knock out guards next time." He scratched his head adorably making me chuckle.

"Leave that to me." I grinned. "Go meet me outside the control room."

I never gave them the chance to retaliate as I was already tracing our steps back to the party room. I spotted a lone bouncer standing along the dark corners of the room, eyes scanning the crowd of mixed race grinding against each other on the dance floor. Perfect.

I started walking towards him, avoiding the sweaty bodies trying to push their way in. When our eyes met I held his gaze, sensually biting my lip.

He smirked, motioning for me to come closer. "What does a beautiful woman like you doing here all alone?" He asked once I'm in front of him.

"I got lost..." I mumbled, running my forefinger down his collarbone, "Maybe you can show me around." I whispered in a sultry voice, my hand running down his torso sensually, wrapping my arms around him.

"Of course. I shouldn't leave little beauty alone when she needs help, should I?" He grinned, showing his yellow teeth, making me gag internally. As to how I've made it this far, I have no idea.

"Oh, but little beauty doesn't want to disturb you in your job. Perhaps another time?" I smiled, pulling away and disappearing before he could protest.

My grin widened when I saw the two waiting impatiently in the hallway near the control room. Ares turned to face me, his eyes softened once he saw my tiny frame.

"Damn, never do that again." He breathed a sigh of relief.

Berlin glared at me, "Where the hell did you go? You know full well that if something bad has befallen you the king would have our heads on a silver platter."

I chuckled, pulling out something from my back pocket. Their eyes widened with shock and disbelief. "Does this thing answer your questions?" I waived the pass in front of them, their eyes following the motion like a kid looking at a candy with their mouths agape.

"Hell yes!" Ares nodded his head vigorously.

Soon we were already inside, we managed to knock out the staffs inside and hid their bodies under the conference table using the mantle as a cover. From the way we found them dozing off like a hibernating bear, I have a hint that those two were too occupied to notice anything going on outside this room. Or maybe they're just confident that no one could pass their security without being unnoticed. Miracles do happen.

"We have 30 minutes to destroy their system. Move it!" Berlin ordered as we rushed to sit in front of random computers.

I renewed every security code in the hallways, closing other chambers and creating a pathway leading to the exit tunnel for easy access in escaping. Berlin was opening every cell in the room where the girls were locked up. As soon as the doors opened they rushed out, following the emergency red lights that leads to the tunnel. Ares concentrated on transferring datas and informations into our flashdrive. Once finished, he installed viruses in the computer system, breaking their firewalls and opening the network for hackers.
"It took less than thirty minutes." Ares said cockily, brushing imaginary dirt off his sleeves.

"Ass." I muttered under my breath.

"Hey, we destroyed their system already. It will take them hours to restore the damage."

Berlin sighed, "It's not them we are afraid of, I believe some Alpha King waiting at the exit tunnel was furious by now."

At this, Ares' eyes widened with fear. "Oh shit!"

I giggled when he ran out of the room, following behind with Berlin in tow. We ran, following the emergency red lights. We were too close, too fucking close to the exit when the metal wall in front of us was hammered by barelling wolves in partial shift, blocking our path.

Yes, Ares. Oh shit.

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