Chapter 4

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"The earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi

Werewolf Kingdom
Blood Moon Forest
Western Borders

Fyrrah's POV

I looked behind me to see them so engrossed in searching everywhere. Ocassionally they would comment on what they have seen and continue again. I took that chance to climb above the tree, scanning the dried mud in shape of a footwear. The footprints continued to the next tree, and the next, and the next, and so on. They escaped by hopping from one tree to another. I pursed my lips, weighing whether to follow the tracks or stay because I know that once I disappeared Alessio would think I'm trying to run away. I don't know why but the mere thought of it made my heart clench with guilt. Maybe because he's been good to me all along and I can't afford to have another kingdom running after me. Yeah, that's all. The easy way is to tell them what I have seen. I debated with my self whether to tell them or not and of course... I won, it's me either which.

"Alessio!" I called, waving my hands frantically. He looked up, alert and eyes wide with worry when he saw me perched above the tree. I almost felt bad for a second... keyword, almost. He was immediately under the tree I was in and he extended his arms in apprehension, silently asking me to jump down to safety. His arms, in other words.

"Little elf, what the hell are you doing up there?! Come down, please."

I rolled my eyes, "I found tracks." As soon as I said that the two wolves appeared beside him with huge eyes.


"Shh!" I glared at them. "I found these footprints here. It seems like they used the tree so they wouldn't leave any tracks behind. Pretty reasonable, I think. I mean, normally wolves would look for tracks and lingering scents on the ground. The one you're dealing with right now isn't just an ordinary plotter. This is a war strategist." I grinned from ear to ear. Finally! I thought, Some exciting action.

Anthony looked creeped out, staring at me. "And you're happy because?"

I scoffed, "Imagine yourself being deprived of the bone-thrilling action for two days when you're a sworn cutthroat. Sounds good?" I asked wryly.

"You're an... assassin??" Tristan blurted out.

The silence that followed after that gave them the answers that they needed. A mixture of shock, betrayal and hurt filled the air making me clench my jaws. I'm used to it, hurting other people and being hurt at the same time.

"Why?" It was a mere whisper, but the intensity weighs heavily on my shoulder.

"Why won't I, Alessio?" I asked rhetorically, "In my world it's either kill or be killed. I can't die yet, or let's say the circumstances won't let me." I grinned sheepishly. Understanding dawned at him as he smiled gently.

"You'll tell us why someday, right?" Anthony asked skeptically.

I shrugged, maybe. Who knows? I might be gone before that happens. "Alright, we got some rogues to chase. Move it, people!" Tristan enthusiastically piped in as he climbed up the tree I was in. I started moving easily from one tree to another following the tracks. I'm quite enjoying swinging from one tree to another but I can't say the same for the three who were struggling to keep up with me.

"What are you? A monkey?" Anthony said exhausted.

"I practically live in the trees, if that's what you call monkey then I am. Now shush, will you?" I answered irritated. Him and Tristan doesn't seem to know the word 'silence'.

"You live in the trees?? As in above?" The other moron asked.

I muttered a 'yep' and soon we ended up near a cliff and we noticed a small bonfire of elves and rogues singing merrily below. The cliff was not that high, you can easily climb down. I clenched my fist, seeing them having the best time of their lives while I was drowning in misery and trying to survive, my sister gone and probably scared shit not knowing what to do and the families of the wolves they have killed grieving.

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