•Chapter 1

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"Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil." - Aristotle

Werewolf Kingdom
Blood Moon Forest
Moonlight Pack's Territory

Fyrrah's POV

I should've known something's wrong the last time we have seen each other. I should've been more careful and made sure the place where we met a couple of nights ago was free of eavesdropping followers of that 'loyal' general. The note Virgo had sent me a few hours earlier saying that Elisa was kidnapped since she never reached home was already crumpled from my tight grip as I raged and ran as fast as my elven feet could carry me. The trees were blurred from my sight as I passed by with a great speed. The shadows going lighter as I reached the tree line, reaching the edge of the Blood Moon Forest. The trail led me here and to what that sucker is planning I really have no idea. Wild, overgrown grasses were everywhere, fit for a hiding place of more than ten men.

I never had the chance to hide as a fireball was thrown directly at me, which exploded when it landed on the tree behind me as I ducked. The tree fell and the flames were quick to spread like a wildfire. Lowering myself, I fired an arrow to where that damn fireball came and shot the enemy dead. Maybe I can't play with fire, but whose to say I don't have a few tricks up on my sleeves? I reached for another arrow, lighting the tip like a match and aiming it towards the rustling of feet. The man screamed as the arrow struck him, the fire crawling up his arm making him thrash violently on the ground as the fire consumed everything around him. Damn, this is going to start a forest fire.

A series of fireball exploded behind me, the flames licking up my bare arms but the fire stone inside me protects me from being burnt. I can only feel a little amount of heat, so I resumed my attacks and one by one they fell on the ground, fire and blood pooling on the forest floor. No sign of Leo, and that means Elisa's not here too.

"I swear, Leo, once I get my hands on your sorry ass you'll be begging for mercy." I grumbled, standing on my five-feet-and-two-inches height. It came with being an elf. No one expects a giant elf, right?

Over the years, approximately two decades, Leonardo Calisto had managed to form a group of his own without the kingdom knowing it. So, spying became my priority. After miraculously surviving the fall, my siblings, Elisa and Virgo, found me and since then we made a plan to stop Leonardo's advances in becoming a king. With the fire stone being safe inside me the only problem is coming off clean, that is, vindicating my name and restoring my good reputation...okay, not really 'good' since I'm disowned but atleast not being looked at as a thief and a royal traitor. I survived stealing from Leo's men and Elisa's been feeding me information about the things happening inside the castle gate and the Firestate, the city where the kingdom lies and where most of the subjects are living. We managed to stop a few of their transactions for the past twenty years and I have a feeling that Leonardo have had enough and kidnapped my sister. He's really going to try harder than just beg me to pity him...

As I inspected the fallen group of seven known viscious criminals in our kingdom, I noticed one body out of place. He's a burly man, rugged and his face was contorted into an expression I'd once seen when someone - no, a werewolf - shifts into his wolf. His claws were out, and his hair had grown a little longer. It seems that he died in partial shift. That only means...

Shit! I panicked when I heard a loud howl and the thundering sound of paws hitting the ground. Wolves emerged from the treeline opposite of where I came from and they were quick to surround me, some yelping from the fire around the clearing. I killed a wolf... no doubt I also entered a claimed territory of the wolves. Growls filled the air as I grabbed my bow tightly, waiting for them to attack. Another wolf entered the clearing, his aura signifies he's an alpha. His loud growl filled the entire clearing as he approached, shifting into his human form and he wore his trousers never breaking eye-contact with me. If only this situation doesn't scare me, I would've blushed furiously staring at the very naked man before me. He's a little on the attractive side, though having a rough look on him, and he's well built. His blonde locks falling freely and those blue eyes held anger and curiosity in them.

The Fallen Fire (Royals of the Realm Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now