Chapter 8

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"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." - Mother Teresa

Werewolf Kingdom
Romanov Estate/Castle
The Castle Dungeons

Fyrrah's POV

"You think you are worth something? Tell me, how many 'competent' men does he have? He could easily replace you with one. He sees people into two kinds only: his manpower and his adversary. You are nothing but a tool." I scoffed, twirling the dagger in my fingers. I've been torturing him for days, two days exactly, but the man was hard to crack. However, I believe no man is unbreakable. I just need to push a little more.

"If you really are spying on us before then you must know that I am worth something." He said cockily.

I raised an eyebrow at that, "There are better power repertoires than you, Davis."

His lips stretched into a menacing grin, "Yes, that's Leo. But I'm almost as good as him, and when I'm finally out of this cage I will kill you. I know our men will find me."

I laughed mockingly, the sound too harsh in my ears. "He must be celebrating right now!"

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "You're insane."

"That I am," I chuckled. "What made you think he will find you? Kalen, you are a potential rival to him. What would be better than finally getting rid of someone who can take away everything from you someday?"

Doubt began to cloud his eyes and uncertainty made his blood rush. In the game of war, you attack emotion first not the muscle. He cleared off the doubt and expression on his face, staring at me with cold calculating eyes. "We all swore our loyalty to each other and nothing can break it. Not even you."

This time it's my turn to grin menacingly, "He swore his loyalty to the king of the fire elves in front of everybody but that didn't stop him from plotting behind his back. He betrayed a king, what more a mere soldier? You know, it's always easier with the weaker ones."

He hissed at me but the reservation was clear in his eyes now. I shrugged, double checking the chains before I stood to leave. When I opened the door out of the secured, sound proof room I was greeted by the deathly calm façade of the alpha king. You know the situation 'calm before the storm'? This is definitely one.

"Uh...Hi?" I squeaked unnaturally.

He didn't answer, he remained staring at me for a moment. "Are you done?" He asked and I nodded, not trusting my voice. "Good, come with me." He ordered in a tone that says no room for discussion but me being me, I won't back down if there's still a way.

"I kind of promised Tristan that I'm going to take Rover out. You know, a walk in the park?" Really, Fyrrah? That's totally stupid.

"Oh yeah? And what did I hear this morning about Tristan taking Rover out to visit the vet?"

See? I mentally facepalmed, groaning. "There must've been changes of plans! I think I should go check it out, bye!" I hurriedly strode towards the stairs leading upstairs but I guess I'm not fast enough. I still ended up being carried in Alessio's shoulders, hanging like a dead game. "I can walk, you know."

"I know, but I don't think you will follow after me." He said with a light tap in my ass.

"Hey! You have your own, go tap it!"

He chuckled, "But this one's better."

"Damn you," I growled lowly and he responded by slapping my ass again with a little more force. "One more and I'll castrate you!" I warned.

The Fallen Fire (Royals of the Realm Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now