Chapter 1

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No One POV

It was a cold winters day in Burgess Pennsylvania, when Jaskon Overland went to go visit his girl at her cabin.

*Knock Knock*

As soon as Paris heard that sound she already knew who it was. She raced down the stairs to open the door.

As soon as she opened the door a pair of lips were instantly on her's. A sensation that was all to familiar. She smiled through the kiss as did Jack.

He picked her up as if she didn't weigh a thing and went inside, kicking the door behind them closed with his foot.

He wrapped her legs around his waist and pushed her gently against the wall as they made out.

They were both soon losing air so Paris broke the kiss. Jack lips went to her neck, both were breathing heavenly.

"Well hello to you too Jack." Jack chuckled and pecked her lips. "Hi," he pecked her lips twice before gently putting her on her feet.

"Ready to go?" "Born ready, just let me get my board." Paris raced back up the stairs.

Jack POV

Paris, she was really something else. She came downstairs looking like a goddess, even with skiing clothes on. "What are you looking at Jack?" She giggled.

I looked at her up and down and licked my lips. "You look beautiful." "In my skiing clothes. Hmph." She laughed. "Someone is trying to get some tonight." "Is it working?" "We'll see if it's working later on tonight....Not." She laughed again. "Hey!" I smiled.

She walked over to the door, going outside swaying her hips; from left to right, knowing I was watching.

Sassy little thing.

"You coming?" She called out. I snapped out of my daze and catched up to her. The whole way we talked and talked. We soon made it to the slopes.

I ruffled up her hair. "Jack!" She laughed. "Race you down!" "You're so on!" We took off running down the slopes.

I Remember Her: A Jack Frost Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now