Chapter 4

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No One POV

"Hey North, do you know where Tooth is?" Jack asked. "Oh Jack your girlfriend will be back." North teased him while chuckleing. Jack rolled his eyes.

"Haha very funny." Jack said crossing his arms. "Yeah, mate don't get your old snowman trousers in a twist." Bunny said.

"Whatever you say kangaroo." Jack dismissed him as Bunny rolled his eyes. Soon Sandy and Tooth came back.

"Now the meeting can officially start." North beamed. "Mmm." A feminine voice moaned out. Everyone looked to see Jack and Tooth making out. "Aye, aye, aye break it up." Bunny pulled them apart. "Sorry guys." Tooth smiled.

"Anyways....guardians, I have bad news." North sighed. "Pitch is back."

Everyone gasped. "And he has people working with him. I just know he's up to something. I can feel it, in my belly!"

Bunny rolled his eyes. "Again with the belly." "I was right last time! It never lies." North patted his stomach twice making Jack chuckle.

"Who are these people North?" Tooth asked. "I do not know, but do not worry. Manny has great news!" North said, his Russian accent very thick.

"Manny has chosen new guardian."

A new guardian, Jack thought. Who could it be?

"Oh look!"

The guardians circled around the crystal. A beam of white light blasted from it.

In the white light showed a ebony girl. Her eyes glowed white.

Everyone starred in awe. Not knowing who this girl is. Bunny broke the silence, "Who is this mate?" He muttered still looking at the picture.

North made a loud sound. One that he always made when he remembers something. "Paris Fawn! She helps me deliver presents. Very nice girl. Number one on my nice list. Unlike someone."

North looked at Jack, as Jack chuckled. Naughty little boy.

"Well who's going to go get her?" Bunny said. "I will go." Jack said a little bit too quick for Tooth's liking.

"Yes Jack, you go get her. And bring her right back here! No funny business." North said sternly, throwing Jack a snow globe, that he easily caught.

"Alright alright. Right back here. I got it." Before Jack, could even throw the globe Tooth grabbed him and kissed him with fierce.

"Tooth break it up so he can go get the lass." Bunny said pulling them apart. Jack winked at Tooth before throwing the snow globe. He was ready to go find this Paris Fawn.

Paris POV
(303 years later)

Some people say being alone is better than being with millions of people, because that way you can't get hurt. But being alone is....lonely. I would know, being by myself all these years.

People can see me, but it's like they are looking right through me. I'm not like most spirits who need to be believed in to be seen.

I really don't know what to do or why I'm here in this life. I really don't even know who I am.

As I'm mediating I can't help but get out of focus. Kids were playing in the snow, having a good time. A snowball fight was going down.

Suddenly a snow ball hit one of the boys square in the face. I literally chocked on air. I couldn't stop laughing.

I heard a chuckle, behind me and I sightly jumped. I turned around and saw a boy. He had snowy white hair. Pale skin. A blue sweater with frost on top of his shoulders. Brown pants and Odd. Very odd.

Jack Frost POV

She turned around. She was gorgeous. Actually really gorgeous. Her dark hair went to her mid back. Her light purple eyes complimented her everything, from her leather clothes to her brown skin.

"Paris right?" "Uhh yes. How do you know my name?" She looked at me. "North told me." I held out my hand for her to shake and smiled. She suddenly smirked and shook it.

"Ohh, you must be the famous Jack Frost everybody has been talking about." "So I'm famous huh? Do I live up to my name?" I grinned.

"You definitely live up to a conceded, cocky, smirking, hot, frostbite. She got spark...I like that. "You think I'm hot." I winked. She laughed. "In your dreams. Well I gotta go." She laughed and began to walk off until I grabbed her wrist and pulled her in front of me. I heard her quietly gasp.

"I can't let you do that." She looked at me like I had two heads.

"Try and stop me." She laughed pulling her wrist from my grip. She put her hands on her hips and began to walk off. She is really sassy.

"I didn't want to have to do this, but you didn't give me much of a choice. Yetis get her!" The two Yetis grabbed her and stuffed her in a sack. "Hey! What the!-" She yelled and struggled to get out.

I laughed and threw the snow globe. "North's work shop."

Author's Note

Hi, my lovely readers. Vote and tell me what you think. And the way North's grammar is, is supposed to be like that. It's his dialogue.

Thanks for reading.

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