Chapter 11

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Let's not get crazy kids!!

No One POV

Jack was ready to pour his heart out to Paris. He was ready to give everything to her. He was gonna make it up to her. And that was a promise.

"Do you think she'll like it?" Jack breathed. "Do not worry Jack. She'll love it." North smiled. Jack smiled in victory. He had put so much thought in his gift for Paris.

"Thanks for all your help North." "No problem Jack, good luck." "I don't need luck." Jack smirked flying out the window searching for Sandy.

Paris POV

I got out the shower and put on some pj's. I went to go get my brush from the nightstand. "What's this?" I mutterd picking up the note.

"Babe meet me in the globe room at 8:30. I gotta make it up to you.

I read out loud. I can never stay mad at that boy.

A smile made it's way to my face. What does he have planned. It was 7:25. Imma just dress formally. I never know what to expect when it comes to Jack Frost.

I put on a red dress that I actully made. It showed off my figure but had a little poof at the bottom. I put my hair into deep curls. And wore my gold jewelry that I also made. I put on red lipstick. I wore no shoes, something new.

 I wore no shoes, something new

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It was now 8:00. I walked to the globe room and waited for Jack. I felt cold hands cover my eyes. "Guess who?" Jack's cold minty breath hit my ear. I moved his hands off my face and turnt around bringing them down to the middle of us.

He brought my hands up and placed a tender kiss on them. "You look stunning." "Thank you." I blushed. "Come on love. We have a lot to do." "Alright. Lead the way."

No One POV

Jack was ready to take her right in the globe room. He had to retrain himself from doing so. Jack knew Paris always had a wonderful body and he was gonna cherish it tonight. Hopefully.

"Jack where are we going?" "Patients babe, patients." Jack smirked. She rolled her eyes but couldn't help but giggle.

"Do you trust me?" Jack asked her. "What? Of course I trust you." She told him in all honesty. He turned her around so that her back was against his front.

He trailed his cold lips to her collar bone all the way up to her ear. "Mmhm." She moaned. Jack closed his eyes so he wouldn't pounce on her. He took out a blind fold and tied it around her head to cover her eyes.

"Come on now baby." Jack took her hand in his and they both flew out the window. "Just trust me and you'll find your way." Jack said. "I trust you Jack." She smiled.
Once they made it to the destination Jack pulled the blindfold off her head and hugged her from behind. "We're in-" "Paris. We're in Paris. Paris is in Paris." Jack joked.

I Remember Her: A Jack Frost Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now