Chapter 3

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Watch media, if you don't you probably won't understand where I'm coming from at the beginning of this chapter.


Paris POV

Just as I finished closing up the shop I heard a loud scream.


Jack? What.

I ran to the voice and saw Emma on the floor, crying her eyes out. I saw a huge crack in the ice.

.....No......No. This wasn't happening. My knees became weak. I hit the ground. I couldn't stand anymore. Tears were pouring out of my eyes like waterfalls. Emma saw me and ran into my arms.

"Jack -he -he saved me fr-from fall-falling into the ice." she sobbed. I couldn't speak. I didn't know what to say. But I knew I had to be strong. Strong for Emma.

I looked into Emma deep chocolate brown eyes, identical to Jack's.

I took a deep breath and tried to not choke on my sobs. "Emma it's gonna be Ok. Don't cry princess." I soothed her head and kissed her forehead.

"But Jack...he he-" "he loves you and saved you. He's in a better place now." I said. I couldn't stop the tears from coming out of my eyes.

How was I gonna tell Ms.Overland. I knew she would be devastated. As I calmed Emma down, she slowley fell asleep.

I gently picked her up and carried her to her home.
I told Ms.Overland what had happened. She was so heart broken but she stayed strong for me, because I broke down.

I soon went home. I knocked on the door and my mom opened it. My mom and dad gave me a look of sympathy and immediately pulled me in for a hug.

They must have heard the news. News travels fast in such a small town.

"I'm so, sorry honey." My mom said. "It's ok mom." I tried smiling but I just couldn't. "I love you, my baby girl." My dad said kissing my forehead.

"As do I princess." My mom brought up my hand and kissed it, wiping my fallen tears. Carter ran down stairs and pulled me into a tight hug.

He wrapped his small arms around my legs. "I wove you big sister." "I love you to little bro." I gave him small smile through my tears and ruffled up his brown curly hair.

"Honey you should get some sleep." My mom said rubbing my arm. I nodded. "We are all here for you honey, and we love you." My dad said.

"Thanks, I love you all too." I muttered. I went up stairs to my room and opened my door, closing it behind me. I fell on my bed.

Jack. He's so brave. Saving his sister. "I love you always." I spoke to myself.

I examined the ring on my finger. I silently cried and took it off. I kissed it and put it on my shelf.

I cried myself to sleep. All I could think about was Jack. Jack, Jack and Jack.

Hours Later

I woke up hours later. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes while yawning. I didn't have to look in the mirror for me to know I had bags under my eyes. I got out of bed and put my ring back on.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I didn't want to scare my brother, looking the way I look. I walked downstairs, and saw Carter playing with his dolls that I made him for his birthday.

A note was left on the counter. My parents went to go get some things from the market.

"Ah! I'm gonna save the day!" He said. He always loved the toys I made him. I smiled. "Can I play?" "Mhm." He smiled back.

I grabbed the girl doll and began to act like I was in trouble. "I will save you, ma'am!"

"I got it." Carter said running to the door and opening it. "Wait Cart-" suddenly Carter was pushed to the ground with a loud thud.

I gasped and hurriedly got up and tried to help Carter off the floor. I soon felt a sting on my cheek and fell to the floor. "Paris!" Carter cried. I hissed at the burning sensation on my cheek.

But I didn't care, I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I stabbed the man in his leg. He groaned in pain and fell to the floor. I picked up a crying Carter and ran out the door.

I continued to run and run. "It's gonna be ok baby brother, it's all gonna be alright."

He calmed down a bit, but continued to cry. I soon heard footsteps running after us. I knew he was coming. My legs couldn't stand running anymore.

I ran behind a tree and put Carter down. "Carter listen. You must run and never look back." "But Paris-" "no buts Cater! Hey I love you." I hugged him tight and kissed his cheek knowing this would be my last time seeing him.

"I wove you too." I could tell he didn't want to let me go, but he's one strong 5 year old. "Now go." He ran as fast as his little legs could take him.

I had to keep this man off Cater's trail. "That was a very stupid move, little girl." The man snarled. I smirked.

He looked at me and walked up to me. He picked me up and punched me in my stomach and face.

I flew down too the ground as if my body weighed nothing. I spat out the blood. I began to cough, trying to catch my breath. But he didn't give me a chance before he started kicking me, everywhere.

I was seeing all types of colors. I hollard in pain. He than picked me up by my hair and smiled, showing his ugly teeth. I shook my head and spit in his face. He let go of my head so fast, that it hit a rock.

I slowly started to close my eyes. Trying my hardest to keep them open. But than I felt a pain in my stomach. He had stabbed me. "Ahhh!!!" I screamed.

I heard an laugh and than footsteps running. I knew this would be my last thought. I thought about my whole life. It was an amazing one.

I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. As someone once said. "To die would be a awfully big adventure."

No One POV

Paris and Jack both died the same day. Everyone was devastated. The young couple seemed to have caught everyone's heart. Their families never found their bodies, both funerals on the same day.

But forever. Forever, is a very long time.

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