Chapter 22

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Jack Frost POV

Where is she! I looked in her apartment. She wasn't there. I asked Keke and Akina if they had seen her and they haven't seen her since we left. I searched all over New York and no sign.

There was only one other place I could think of. Pennsylvania. I searched Burgess high and low and she wasn't there. I was beginning to get mad. At myself. At North. At everybody who thought it was okay to let her leave the pole!

I went back to the pole and let my rage be known. "North! She's missing!" I blew up on him and everyone that was there. "Calm down Jack please. What do you mean she's missing?" Tooth tried to console me but no I didn't want anyone to touch me. "She's not in New York! And she's not in Pennsylvania. I searched for her. Pitchy has her." "How can you be so sure mate. Maybe she's just doesn't want to be found right now." I glared at him.

"I would always find her Bunny. Always. She's gone. I'm sure of it." Sandy started jumping up and down indicating he had something to say. We all looked at him. He showed a chubby kid getting bullied then Paris helping him only for the kid to be one of Pitchy servants. I turnt back to everyone and shock was written all over their faces. "Now let's go!" I roared. They all got suited up.

This is the last time you take my girl.

Paris POV

I groaned beginning to wake up. "Where am I?" Everything was in a blurry fog. I slowly opened my eyes and it was dark. "She's awake brother." I heard a female voice whisper. Sounds familiar.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" I wanted to raise my voice but I just couldn't. "Your in a cage tied up and you're still tryna get answers...I hate you." She whispered again. My senses came back to me. Cupid, Pitchy sister. Oh no. My body began to hurt. My heart dropped.

"No need to use such a strong word little sister. She'll be dead soon anyway." I laughed despite my circumstances. "That's what you think. Jack and the guardians will come for me." He appeared in front of me in a quick motion and picked me up my neck choking me as I clawed at his arms. "Will that be before or after I kill you." He licked my lips. I spat on him making him drop me to the hard floor. "I like you." He laughed and disappeared.

"Don't baby her! Why didn't you punch her?!! slap her!?" Cupid wined. "Little sister there will be time for that. Just wait. We have all the time in the world. The guardians won't find us." "That's what you think." My voice allowed me to whisper. They both looked back at me and laughed.

"Whatever stupid girl. Trust me when Jack see's all of this." She squeezed her boobs. "He'll forget all about you and will come after me again." "Don't worry Paris. I'll do the same to you before I kill you sweetness." Pitchy winked at me.

My eyes began to get watery. No. I'm not weak. I'm gonna make it.

I closed my eyes and began to meditate. I just couldn't process everything right now. "Look at her about to cry." Cupid laughed. I ignored her and still focused.

I was and still am a avatar. Manny had a plan for me and that's why I'm here. Nothing can change that. Nothing.

Darkness came over me once again

Jack POV

I will find you baby. Please hold on. "It's gonna be okay Jack. We will find her." Flame patted my shoulder. "I know man. I just don't want her to get hurt." "She's stronger then you think Jack." Tooth flew by me and sat in the slay.

"I know Tooth...but I'm not. I can't lose her again." Everyone looked at me. "And you will not Jack!" North boomed. I looked up at him. Sandy jumped up and down we all looked at him. He showed an image of Paris being locked in a cage. She looked like she was meditating. "Do you know where she is Sandy!?" He closed his eyes and then nodded his head repeatedly.

"Where mate?!" Bunny said.

Sandy made images. "I can't understand what he means." Flame said. "Give me a minute."
"I-N THE F-O-R-E-S-T OF D-E-A-D DREAMS. In the forest of dead dreams!" I shouted. Sandy nodded his head up and down. "North!!!" "Globe! Forest of dead dreams." And we were off to go get my baby.

Paris POV

"Come on girl. Open your eyes before they close permanently." Pitchy laughed. I ignored him. "Oh how I hate when ladies ignore me. It's not very attractive my love." Suddenly I am lifted up by my neck. I opened my eyes up wide losing breath once again. "What did I say about ignoring me!?" He yelled in my face. Spit flying everywhere.

"Sister!" "Yes my dear brother?" We were out of the cage. He threw me to the cold hard floor. I groaned loudly. "She's all yours." He smiled. She kissed his cheek. She walked up to me and got in my face. Next thing I knew was that my head was banged on the floor. My mouth started bleeding. "Ahh."

Kicks punches and slaps was all I felt. Everywhere. They took turns. My body ached. I knew some bones where broken. I could hear them crack. "You alright there love?" Pitchy picked me up by my hair smelt it then licked the side of my face. "Only if I didn't have to kill you, you would be my wife." He smirked evilly. "I would never be yours." I said and mastered to spit in his face. With all the strength I could get.

He laughed. A laugh that made my skin crawl. "I love it." He whipped the spit off his face and dropped me back on the floor. Then kicked me in my stomach making me lose my breath. I could hardly breathe. I was seeing colors. This felt familiar. He than opened my mouth and pored a liquid into it. I was forced to swallow it.

"Babydoll it's to late for you. Pure poison.." Cupid smiled. Just as I began to close my eyes.

"Ahhhhh!!!!" I heard a loud pitch chirp.

Jack POV

"Ahhhhh!!!" Tooth yelled going straight to Cupid and punching her in the face knocking her down. I saw Paris laying on the floor barely moving. I was going to kill him. I went straight to Pitchy and punched him with all my might. He flew across the room and Flame caught him. "Keep him down."

I kneeled down to Paris. "Baby open your eyes. Paris!" She wasn't moving.

"Paris please... just one breath baby." I whispered. "I'm-okay." She coughed up blood. "Paris!" I hugged her. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there." "It's not your fault Jack. I'm sorry." She clung to me. "I'm gonna end this. I promise." I kissed her forehead.

"Jack!" Flame shouted. I looked his way and Pitchy was no longer in his grasp. "Pitchy is gone that was just a decoy!" "Same with Cupid." Tooth yelled flying around trying to find them. "What?" Paris moaned and tried getting up. "No stay down." "Jack I need to help." "No you don't! This is my fight. He hurt you. I have to kill him." "You don't kill Jack. This isn't you. Please." She looked me in my eyes.

She didn't understand. She is the love of my life. Without life means nothing. "For you, Paris Fawn I will lay down my life. You don't deserve death a second time. Please. Stay down. I love you." I kissed her lips. I got up laying her head softly on the ground. "This is gonna protect you." I formed a protective bubble of ice around her. Not one could break it or see it except for me.

She got up and banged on it. "Please Jack let me help. I don't want nothing to happen to you." I smiled. "I love you..." I turnt around and continued to hear banging.

"Pitchy where are you!" I screamed

To be continued.....

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