Chapter 21

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Paris POV

"I'm going back to New York." I announced to the guardians. "That's not a good idea." Tooth said flying around me. "Are you out of your mind!" Bunny raised his voice. I looked at him. "I just need a little break." "Yes I understand that Shirley but you can rest here. Why do you have to go all the way to New York?" Bunny said tapping his feet. "I agree with Bunny, Paris, Pitchy is out to get you. It isn't safe." North put his hand on my shoulder. "Please North. Just let me stay for a day."

"What will Jack say when he gets back. He's gonna kill us." Tooth muttered. "This isn't about him, or you guys. It's about me. I still am human. I need to go to the real world. And I love you guys for caring for me but I need this break away from everything. You have to understand." I spoke my mind.

They all nodded. "Okay but only one day." North sternly said. "Thank you." I kissed his cheek and hugged Bunny and Tooth. "Let's go." I hopped in North sled and we were in our way.

Jack POV

I flew into the pole after a long day of training with Flame."Hello Jack!" North appeared behind me. "Ah North, can't be sneaking up on me like that." "Oh you should be used to it." He waved it off and laughed.

"I have some news about Paris." That alarmed me. "What happened? Is she okay? Where is she? I thought she was supposed to be resting!?" "Calm down Jack, she is fine. She's just not here. Okay good talk." He patted my shoulder. "No. What do you mean she's not here?" I said.

"You see, with her being human and all she needed a break. She needed to get away from the pole." "North do you not understand Pitchy wants her dead! She needs to be at the pole at all times so I can protect her. Now where is she! She's coming back!" I couldn't believe he would just let her go.

"She asked me not to tell you where she had gone because you would probably go get her." Damn right. "I don't care what she told you." He frowned. "Listen Jack, she's in New York at her apartment visiting some friends." She must be visiting Keke and Akina. "But please, let her get this time for herself for just one day." "No North. I'm sorry but I can't lose her again." With that I was on my way to New York.

Paris POV

Knowing Jack would break down North and make him tell him where I was I decided to leave New York and go to Pennsylvania. Probably not the smartest place either since that's where we grew up and lived our lives but at least he won't catch me right away.

I haven't felt at peace for a while. I've been working hard, along with the guardians but I've been worried for them. I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me and I've heard Jack talk about me in this situation.

Paris Flashback

"Jack buddy that's enough." Flame said. Jack wanted Flame to throw blow after blow just to see if he could take it. "No keep going! I'm okay. I don't feel anything!" "Are you sure?" "Yes man!" Jack yelled at Flame getting aggravated.

I'm sorry, Flame thought. Flame blasted Jack with all his might.

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I Remember Her: A Jack Frost Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now