Chapter 15

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No One POV

After Paris and Jack had a discussion they both went back to the party hand in hand. Paris had forgiven Jack, she knew of his possessive ways. She could never stay mad at him.

Everyone was dancing, socializing, eating and overall just having a wonderful time. But that would slowly come to an end.

Paris back was to Jack front as they swayed to the slow music. "Baby, I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. That was uncalled for. Sometimes I let jealousy cloud my judgement and control me." He apologized. She smiled. "I forgive you Jack." He kissed her neck softly and they continued to dance the night away, along with everyone else.

But someone, someone didn't like that. Not one bit. "Brother it's time." She whispered. Just than the room went PITCH BLACK. No one could see anything.

"What's going on!?"
"What the hell."
"I can't see a thing."

Many whispers were going around the room. But no one was panicking. Flame and Paris lit the room. "Ahhhh so I see." A voice spoke. "Who are you! Show yourself!" Bunny yelled pulling out his boomerangs. "No need to get your tail twisted up." Pitch appeared.

"I should have known." Bunny threw his boomerang but missed. "Naughty naughty rabbit. Well that wasn't nice." Pitch cooed. "Pitch Black." Tooth sneered. "No, no, no. Guess again honey." He laughed. "Paris should know." Jack stood in front of her protectively.

Paris POV

"Come on darling. Remember. Remember all those nightmares. You screaming, begging to wake up. Losing everyone you love." He laughed. Everyone looked at me. Jack turnt around and gave me a look as to saying 'why didn't you tell me'.

"You know I helped my father with those. He was quite proud." Everyone gasped. "Pitchy Black at your service." He looked exactly like Pitch. Just younger. More fit.

"Paris might I say you are quite beautiful. Dad was right. A pure diamond. Too bad I'm going to have to kill you." "Over my dead body." Jack spat. "That can be arranged." With a snap of his fingers everything came crashing down.

No One POV

Everything came crashing down. Now everyone was in a panic. The guardians were trying to get everyone out. The big 4 along with Flynn and Astrid were helping also.

"Paris you can't run away from your nightmares, they catch up to you honey." Pitchy taunted her. "I'm not running away from anything and even if I did run you'll never catch up." "Oh my dear, so strong willed. So passionate and very sexy. I would honestly take you as my wife. But I have to avenge my father and well that starts with you dying. Unless Jack can rescue you." "You won't get away with this. Jack will come for me." She yelled at him. "I wouldn't be so sure about that." And with that he disappeared.

Everyone was pretty much out the ballroom except for Paris. So Jack went on the search for her. "Someone! Please help me." A voice cried out. Jack followed those screams and found Cupid. She was stuck. Her wing had been damaged. She couldn't fly. "I got you." He flew to her and picked her up.

"Thank you Jack." He flew her out of harms way and was about to settle her down until she grabbed his face and kissed him. The kiss was slow and he soon began to kiss back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his around her waist.

"Mmm." She moaned. Realization hit Jack. That sound. It didn't sound like Paris at all. "Why'd you stop my love." She whispered against his lips. He hurriedly pulled back. "This isn't right! I'm sorry." Jack flew away leaving her smirking.

When he had returned to the ballroom it was to late. Everything had been destroyed. The chandeliers were glass shards on the floor. The once beautiful Christmas tree was now into pieces. But everyone had got out and that was all that mattered.

I Remember Her: A Jack Frost Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now