Chapter 25

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One week later....

No One POV

Today was the day. Paris funeral. Jack was still trying to cope with everything and the rest of the guardians were finally accepting that Paris is only with them in spirit. Hiccup, Rapunzel and Merida were coming along with their loved ones.

"Jack." Tooth knocked on his door. No answer. She knocked louder. "I'm right here Tooth." Jack said coming behind her. She yelped. "Ooo! Don't scare me like that." "Sorry." He gave her a slight smile. "It's okay. Come here." She pulled him into her and gave him a tight hug. He accepted it. "How are you doing?" "I'm alright." He pulled away.

"Well everyone is waiting for you." "Everyone is here already?" He took a deep breath. "Yes. Come on." They both walked to globe room. As soon as Jack walked in the room he was knocked down by all the hugs that he received. "Hey guys." He laughed. "Jack buddy!" Hiccup said slapping hands with him. "I'm sorry for your lost mate. She was honestly the best." Merida took Jack hand and held it tight. Rapunzel hugged him tighter and he felt his shirt getting wet.

"Punzie..." "I'm so sorry Jack. I didn't even know Paris like that, but I could tell that she loved you and you loved her. And now we all lost her. I couldn't wait to begin to sister friendship with her." Jack rubbed her back as she cried into his chest. He was trying not to cry with her. His lip began to quiver but Eugene Rapunzel husband, pulled Punzie away from him so that Jack could get himself together. "I'm sorry for you lost man." He rubbed Jack's shoulder. "Thank you. Take care of her." He pointed to Punzie who was still crying. "Always."

"Let's go." Jack said. They all walked to a ballroom.

Paris's casket was at the top of the room

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Paris's casket was at the top of the room. The guardians were silent. They haven't said one word. To afraid to break down into tears. They just looked at the casket in front of them. Jack touched the casket sliding his fingers all over it. Little frost bites went along as he did it. He then opened the casket and saw her. Silent. Not moving. Not breathing. Dressed nicely. Hair straightened. Still beautiful. Tooth's doing indeed.

North stood up first and went to the podium and whispered nothing but loving words to Paris. Silently. Wishing he had more time to spend with his daughter. Then Bunny went up to express his feelings silently, wishing his sister was still alive. Then Tooth went up whispering how much she would miss their girl nights out and how she wishes they had more time. Then Sandy went up, didn't say anything but had his golden dream sand all around Paris as he kissed her hand. Then it was Jack's turn.

He slowly walked up to the podium. He gently rubbed his fingers across her cold soft face. And a single lone tear slid down his face and he whipped it. "Paris." He forgot there was anyone else in the room. "I finally found out what your center was." He cracked a smile. "I don't think you ever got the chance." His voice cracked. "It's courage baby, your center was courage and you know what's funny, courage plus fun makes adventure. We had tons of adventures that I will never forget. Human or like this."

I Remember Her: A Jack Frost Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now