Chapter 18

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Paris POV

"Mmm." I muttered waking up. "Open your eyes baby." I heard a low raspy voice. I felt something hot at my center. I reached down with my hands and latched on to soft hair running my fingers though it. "Eyes." I opened my eyes and saw Jack between my thighs. His tongue deep inside me.

"Baby I'm sore. Quit." He put his whole mouth on me. "North once told me not to talk with my mouth full." He mumbled. This boy. He continued to eat me while I continued to moan out loud until I completely shuddered. He licked up my juices until I was clean. "That was the best breakfast I had in a long time." He smiled cheekily up at me while I was trying to catch my breath.

Jack POV

I woke up really happy. Just seeing the beauty next to me peacefully sleeping was enough to make my day. I decide to get my princess up the only way I knew me and her would both enjoy. Me probably especially.

I was still between her thighs, looking up at her and at her...pun intended. "Jack." She laughed once she finally caught her breath. "Can you move because Im still sore-" She stopped talking and looked at me. She realized I was just starring at her. "What's wrong?" She sat up to grab my face in both of her hands. I leaned into her touch.

"I've missed you so much." I muttered. "I can't believe I went six months without you. I can't, I won't ever leave you again. You have to promise you won't leave me." "But Jack-" I looked her directly in her purple iris. "Promise me, Paris." "I promise you Jack." I kissed her lips twice.

I began trailing kisses down her body as she fell back onto the bed. "I love you." I said and entered her warmth once more.

Paris Noisy Neighbors POV

"Girl who ever is with Paris he is beating that up!" Keke said. "I'm happy she finally getting some." Akina said. Paris, Keke and Akina became friends the first day Paris moved to New York. They saw how Paris was struggling with her injuries and how hurt she was. Pain and heartbreak. They never knew someone could hurt like that.

They introduced themselves and showed her around the area. They truly were all Best friends. "Baby, just like that." They heard a manly voice groan. "He sound sexy to!" Keke said as Akina laughed. "Aye keep it down! I'm tryna eat." Akina banged on the wall. "Girl stop let her get some. She didn't complain when we were getting ours. And bitch we got ours in." They both looked at each other and busted out laughing. 

"You right, you right." She banged on the wall again. "Whoever you are making her scream like that, do it more. She needs D in her life." "Paris is gonna kill you." Keke giggled. "She loves me to much." She laughed and continued to eat her cereal.

No One POV

She was gonna kill her. "Who was that?" Jack laughed. "My neighbors." Paris shook her head. "They are funny." "Yea. They're pretty amazing to." Paris smiled. Jack admired her. "Tell me about them." She looked at him. "Please." "What do you want to know?" "Everything."

"Okay hmm. I meet them when I first came here. They helped me so much. With everything. They showed me around. They took care of me since I couldn't manage by myself. And they were just there for me." "They sound great." Paris laughed. "Keke is really wild. She doesn't listen to no one. She doesn't let anyone tell her anything. She will cut someone real quick, she cares deeply about the people she loves.

Akina is more quiet but loud when she wants or needs to be. She's super funny. She can make anyone smile and laugh. She's to much at times. She has no filter once so ever. But she's someone you can chill with and talk to about anything. And she doesn't judge you for anything." "I can't wait to meet them. They must believe in me since they heard what was going on." Jack said. Paris looked at him like he was crazy.

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