Chapter 14

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1 Month later
December 24
No One POV

Everyone was super busy. North really wanted the perfect Christmas Eve party.

The ballroom was beautiful as always. North had gotten the biggest tree and it was decorated with so many beautiful decorations. Everyone was coming to this party. All over the world.

It was around 8:30 when everything was officially ready and done.

No One POV

"Hey Paris, you wanna go to my room to get ready?" Tooth asked. "Yea, let me just get my dress." Tooth and Paris had became best friends over the time. They were really close. Just like sisters.

Tooth nodded her head and went to her room. Paris walked to her room and looked for her dress. Jack creeped up behind her and grabbed her waist. "Mmm baby. Finally I get you all to myself." Jack muttered. Paris giggled sightly.

"I missed you baby." "Jack we've been at the pole all day." She laughed. "So. I missed your kisses." He kissed her neck slowly sucking on her skin. "Mmm." "I've missed your body against mine." He started grinding on her back side. He was doing things to Paris.

"Jack, baby the party starts at 9:00 we got 30 minutes to get ready. As much as I want you right now, that's gonna have to wait." She said pulling away from him. He groaned but started pecking her lips. "Fine baby. Here's your dress." He handed her, the dress as she thanked him. "Later I want you all to myself." She kissed his lips. "All night baby I'm yours." She kissed his lips again and ran to Tooth's room to get ready.
"Tooth you look so beautiful." Paris said putting Tooth hair in a bun and leaving strands of hair out. "Thank you love. Are you sure you don't need any help putting on your dress?" "I'm sure girl. I'll be done in a bit."

Tooth nodded her head and left the room. "Okay Paris. Now time for your hair." Paris took the scarf off her head and let her hair flow down. Tooth had done her makeup so she didn't have to worry about that. She than looked at her dress. It was honestly beautiful. North had made it for her as an early Christmas present.

She put it on. She loved how it shaped her body. It brought out her every curve. And it had a slit where her leg is. She but on a couple of bracelets and made sure she had on both of her rings.

She decided she wasn't gonna wear shoes

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She decided she wasn't gonna wear shoes. Something Jack loved. It was now 9:00 she walked out of Tooth's room and walked to the ballroom ready for this long night.

Jack POV

"Where is she?" I mumbled. "Hey Jack." I turnt around and all my best friends tackled me in a hug. "Hey guys!" "We've missed you buddy." Hiccup said. "I've missed you guys to." "Where is Paris! I miss her!" Punzie said looking around for her. "She should be coming." I said.

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