Chapter 9

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*In Dream*

"Paris you've made a stupid move. I'm coming for you. Not only will you be mine, but your going to hurt Jack." " I'm not!" I yelled at him.

He darkly chuckled. And all of a sudden he started slashing me. Scratches everywhere. "Stop...stop please." I pleaded Pitch. He only laughed showing his ugly sharp teeth and continued.

"Please?!" I yelled waking up out of my sleep. My breathing very heavy. "This needs to stop." I mutterd getting out of bed.

Why me. What does Pitch want from me. He will not hurt me, the guardians or Jack. I won't allow it. I got out of bed and didn't bother looking for Jack.

He's always gets up before me, thanks to my nightmares keeping me asleep. I groaned and walked into the bathroom. I took a shower and changed into this

I put my hair into two buns and left the back down and straight

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I put my hair into two buns and left the back down and straight. I flew out my room and went into the dining room. "Hey North." "Hello Ms.Fawn, you woke up very late." "Oh, I know. Where is everyone?"

"Jack is giving snow days, Tooth is at her palace, Sandy is working on dream potions, and Bunny he's at his warrant." North told me. "Ok, well I'm free, do you need help with anything?"

"No honey but thank you." North smiled. "Go eat some breakfast. Phil! Get Paris her breakfast." The yeti Phil brought me breakfast.

"I'm actually not hungry but thanks." The yeti, mutterd some words I didn't understand and took the food back in the kitchen.

"Well then I'm off North." "Mmhm" North nodded with cookies in his mouth.

I didn't really have anything to do, so why not pratice my avatar state. I went to the air temple.

I was the only one who knew the password to get in.

The doors opened. I was in my secret place. My calm place. I flew around to a spot and got comfortable crossing my legs.

Step 1. Be Calm
Step 2. Be Focused

I breathed in, and out and I closed my eyes.

(These are Paris thoughts

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(These are Paris thoughts. She's speaking from inside her mind. Spirit state of mind)

"Long time no hear from Paris." "I'm sorry Lily." "It's okay honey that let's me know that everything is fine, yes?" "Yes everything is fine.....except I've been having bad dreams. Really bad nightmares."

"What about? My avatar." "Pitch, hurting me and my fellow guardians." "Well avatar, you must figure out what to do." "That's the thing. I don't know what to do."

"All I can tell you is to make the right choice. Believe in yourself and everything should go as planned. Goodbye." "No! Wait! Lily? Please."


I gasped coming out of sprit state. With only two things on my mind. Make the right decision and be yourself. I got up and started my bending.

Jack's POV

I just finshed giving snow days to the kids in Canada. I'm getting new believers everyday. I walked into North's workshop.

"Jack you're back!" North said. "Yeah, hey North. "How was the snow days going?" "It was great. The kids loved it." "Good. Very good Jack." "Where's Paris?" I saw everyone else except for her.

"She's not here?" Tooth asked out of no where from behind me. "No she's not." "Oh, well she's usually practicing her bending." "Yeah she might be at the air temple."

"Yep. Do you wanna hang out with me Jack?" "Um actually-" "Please I'm really bored and I have nothing to do right now and it's only 3:10." "Alright than sure." I smiled. "Yes!" Tooth laughed. "Come on!"

Tooth's POV

"Let's go to Burgess, I wanna see Jamie and Sophie." "Ok." "Race you!" I laughed. "Your on." Jack gave me one of his famous smirks. "Wind! Take me to Burgess!" "Ahhh."

"Haha I beat you." "Whatever I'll win next time." I said pushing him playfully. "Tooth Fairy! Jack!" Jamie and his friends tackled me with hugs causing me to fall to the ground.

"Hey my sweets, I hope all of you have been flossing." They giggled. I got off the ground and next thing I knew a snow ball was thrown at my face. "Jack!" I laughed. "Show me what you got!" This will be fun.

I Remember Her: A Jack Frost Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now