Chapter 10

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Paris POV

After I left the Earth temple I went to my secret valcono. I decide to start praticing my fire bending I still couldn't do this one move.

I crossed my arm over my other arm and brought it up and pushed with all my might. Nope. Nothing. "Haha." I turned around so quicky and got into my stance ready for anything.

"Hey, hey it's just me. Calm down." Flame put his hands up in surrender. I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here? This is my secret valcono." I put my hands on my hips.

"Woah, it ain't that secret, if I'm here." He smirked.

I gave him a look and let out a small giggle. "I guess your right. We never formally met. I'm Paris." "Flame." He held out his hand for me to shake as I did, I felt a slight...connection.

Flame POV

I wonder if she felt it to. "So I see that you have trouble with that push over move." I crossed my arms. "Oh. You think you could do it. Ha!" She smirked. Yep she's sassy. I like that.

"As a matter of fact, I can." She took a double take, and made way. I smirked before I crossed my arm over my other arm and brought it up. I pushed with much force.

Her mouth was wide. "Hmph." I cleared my throat. "I can show you." She smiled, "yes please."
No One POV

Tooth soon had too leave to collect teeth. After all she is the Tooth Fairy.

Jack was throwing snowballs left to right. He always let his childish sprit out. That's one of the many things that Paris loved about him.

Jack made a pile of snowballs. He threw one at Cupcake hitting her in the back of her head. "Haha!" He laughed. As he went back to his pile he saw that there were no more snowballs.

What the heck? He thought. He looked around to see if anyone would have made a sneak attack on him.

"Paris!!" The children shrieked in pure excitement. Just then Jack Frost was covered in snow.

"That's what you get, Frosty!" Paris laughed at her boyfriend. Jack gasp and pulled her right in the snow with him. It was Jack's turn to laugh.

"You can never catch me slipping babe." He winked.

"Shut up." She playfully pushed him over. He held his chest pretending he was hurt. "This is how my girlfriend treats me." She rolled her eyes and got out the snow.

"Yep." She giggled. The children ran up and hugged her. "Hi little one's." She ruffled up everyone's hair.

"Do you have room for two more players." Flame pointed to himself and Paris.

Where did he come from. And was he with Paris. Jack thought.

"Actually I'm taking the girls," Paris intruppted. "For a girls day." "Yay!" All the girls cheered.

"Oh wait!" Jamie gripped Paris hand. "Do you wanna meet Sopie?" "Of course!" Paris smiled. "Where is she?" Jamie led Paris to a tree house.

Paris POV

"Aww." I covered my mouth dramatically. One of the cutest two years old ever. Sophie looked up at me with her bright big green eyes.

 Sophie looked up at me with her bright big green eyes

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"Hi Sophie." I smiled and sat down across from her. "You are very pwetty." I chuckled. I could tell she meant pretty. "And you my dear, are beautiful." I tapped her little nose.

"Jamie leave! This is a girls thing." Pippa said rushing Jamie out. "Ok." Jamie laughed leaving out the tree house.

"What do you guys wanna do?" Sophie, Pippa and Cupcake looked at eachother than at me."Barbie dolls!"

Jack POV

Me and the boys were having a lot of fun just being boys, but everyone decided to take a little break. Flame was next to me and it was so awkward.

I looked at him and he looked at me. "So...I have no problem with you." He said. "And I have no problem with you either." I smirked.

"Good. I have Tooth and you have Paris." "Yep." He held out his hand and I shook it. He's actually not a bad guy.

"Wait do you hear that?" "What?" "'s silent." The girls were screaming so loud basically harming our ear drums. "They must be sleep or something." I nodded my head. "Let's go check on them."

Flame, Jamie and his friends went with me to the tree house. A small smiled played on my lips as I looked at the sight in front of me.

The girls were laying on Paris, sleeping. Paris was also asleep.

A sleeping beauty might I add. Her hair was slightly messy but in a cute way. Her light snores could be heard.

"Well it looks like the girls had a long day." I laughed. "Time to pack up." Flame hit my shoulder. "What dude?" He pointed to Jamie and his friends. They all had red cheeks.

Blushing at Paris. Been there. Done that. Flame folded his arms, "They are really blushing hard off her. They must have a crush on her." "Maybe."

I flew to her and hovered above her and the girls. I blew my cold breath on her nose and she sneezed.

I mentally awed. "Jack...? What are you doing?" Paris yawned. "Waking you up." "Oh." She chuckled lightly. "Don't wake up the kids, we'll carry them home." I nodded my head in agreement.
We got eveyone home in bed. Then Flame went to Tooth Palace while Paris and I went back to the pole. It was around six something.

Paris and I went to the balcony. She layed her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

She kissed my cold cheek and smiled.

"So what did you do today?" "I went to my secret valcono and I learned something new." "New hu?" "Yep, Flame showed me a trick. One that I've been trying to learn for forver."

So Flame was with my girlfriend. "Well it's not much of an secret if Flame was there." I rolled my eyes. "I know that's what he said." "So why was he there!?" I snapped at her.

"The same reason Tooth was with you today!" She snapped back while rolling her eyes . I nodded my head not really surprised at the combat.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." She broke away from my grip and started to walk away. "Babe wait." I called after her but she kept walking swaying her hips from left to right.

How can I stay mad at that. "Ugh good going Frost." I flew to her room and heard her shower water going. I have to make it up to her, I didn't mean to snap but I don't want to lose her to him or to anybody else.

Babe meet me in the globe room at 8:30. I gotta make it up to you.

I left the note on her night stand and went looking for North. "North?! North?" "I'm in here Jack. No need to yell." He laughed. "North I need your help." "Yes, what do you need Jack?" I smirked." "First we are gonna need some ice."


I Remember Her: A Jack Frost Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now