Chapter 5

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No One POV

"Aye calm down. I'm letting you out now." Jack chuckled as soon as they got to the workshop.

As soon as Jack opened up the sack containing Paris he was blasted to the other side of the room. Paris rose from the sack. North's workshop went pitch black. Paris eyes turnt white, basically glowing. She was angry and furious.

Paris POV

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Paris POV

I knew what was happening. I was in my spirit state of mind. "Lily?.....Lily? can you help me?" "Listen Paris, just calm down, breath in and breath out." I did as I was told.

I opened my eyes and saw everyone looking worriedly. I huffed trying to catch my breath while I hovered over.

Jack came over to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a cheeky smile. "Why would you do that?!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry, but if it's makes you feel any better they did the same thing to me." I looked around the room and saw a group of people. I only noticed North. There was a small man, that look to be made out of sand. A hummingbird lady. A over sized bunny or a kangaroo, and the one and only Jack Frost.

"North, what is the meaning of this? Why am I here?" Before North could even answer my question the hummingbird lady did. "Honey why don't you try to figure it out." "Hold up, was I talking to you? wait no let me answer that question for you. No I wasn't." I sassed.

"We got a sassy one on our hands mate." I heard the bunny? Whisper to North. "Well I don't care, I answered your question. Do you have a problem?!" I was seriously about to blow up on this woman.

I counted to 10. "Paris.....Paris calm down. Do not let this woman get to you." "OK I'm calm, I don't even understand what I did." I replied to her.

"Sometimes jealously can change someone's whole mood." "Jealous. Jealous? Why is she jealous? Lily...Lily." Well I guess I'm gonna have to figure out on my own.

I got out of my spirit state and everyone was around me. I hope I didn't speak out loud. They looked worried.

"Guys this is normal. I'm just connecting with my spirit state of mind." They nodded their head saying "okay's" and "good's."

"Paris can I talk to you please?" The hummingbird lady asked me. I really didn't want to but I guess.

We flew to the roof of North's work shop. We looked at each other and didn't say a word.

"Listen I'm sorry, I just haven't been feeling good today." She explained. "I've been the only woman on this team and I didn't know how to react to a new one. I've also been having very bad mood swings, and I just took it out on you. Please forgive me." I could tell she was being sincere.

"I accept your apology. Just don't do it again." "Yay!! I won't." She hugged me tight. "I love your teeth by the way." "Thank you...." I chuckled awkwardly. Totally the Tooth Fairy.

I Remember Her: A Jack Frost Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now