Chapter 13

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Paris POV

Our time together was cut short right after breakfast. North wanted us at the pole right away. Apparently we had a big meeting. I changed into a green and blueish long sleeve shirt. And black skinny jeans.

"You look beautiful baby. As always." Jack complimented me. "Thank you Jack." I kissed his cheek. "Nun uh. Bring that back." He pulled me back and connected our lips. I moaned slightly as his lips attacked mines.

He broke the kiss slowly. "That's much better." He smirked walking away making me want more. I was in a daze. "You coming baby?" He laughed and opened up the cabin door.

No One POV

They arrived at the pole hand in hand. Everyone was already there waiting for them. "Finally ya'll get here!" Bunny rushed to Paris pulling her out of Jack's grip.

Jack rolled his eyes. "You okay sister? Did this old snowman hurt you?" Bunny said. Paris blushed and Jack laughed. "Pain is pleasure." He whispered. Bunny glared at him.

"You dirty, dirty frostbite you stuck your-" "Yes I did. And she enjoyed every moment of it." Jack smiled in glee. "You guys are so embarrasseing." Paris said moving away from both of them. She went next to Sandy and Tooth and greeted them with hugs.

"Look at what you did, you old snowman. Made my sharlie embarrassed." "Whatever kangaroo." Jack rolled his eyes.

North came out the kitchen with fresh cookies in his hand. "Paris! Jack! You're here! How was your night alone?!" North said extra loud, but Jack's smirk gave it all away.

"It was good. Great. But now we have business. Serious business." "What's wrong North?" Tooth asked. "Our chartimas party of course. We need to start decorating the ball room." They all looked at North like he had two heads.

"North. Chartimas is next month. It's November." Bunny gritted his teeth. "Yes I know Bunny but it's best if we start decorating now. Don't you think?" "No." Bunny rolled his eyes as Paris laughed. "I'll help North." Paris flew up and kissed his cheek.  "Thank you sweetie." North rosy cheeks went up.

And wherever Paris was going, North knew Jack was gonna follow. No need to worry about him not helping, he thought.

Tooth squealed. "Flame can help. And while he helps we can bound! This is going to be amazing! Eehehe!" She squealed again. Sandman quietly chuckled.

"Okay let us begin!" North clasped his big hands. Just as North thought, Paris had Jack following her around like a puppy in love with the smell of biscuits. He laughed to himself.

Jack POV

We've been decorating the ballroom all day. North was right. This would take forver. We weren't even half way done.

It was adorable how Paris eyes lit up when we started to decorate. But really all I wanted to do was lay in bed with her and cherish her body once more.

"This is gonna be so much fun Jack." She said wrapping her arms around me from behind.

I turnt around slightly to look at her. "Yea baby." "You don't seem to excited." "It's not that. It's just I rather be in our bedroom doing very material things to you right now."

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