Chapter 7

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Author note: Aren't they just cute!! I'm thinking about making Paris character different, I don't know maybe. Hope you love this chapter.

No One POV

Jack Frost, woke up with a smile on his face. He was just replaying everything that happened yesterday.

He looked to his side and saw that Paris was snuggled against him. A sudden warmness came over his whole body. That's a lot considering he's the coldest person on earth.

He pecked her lips as she stirred and moved his face. He groaned just wanting her to get up. He then thought of something very child like.

He got up, careful not to wake her up and got four markers. He than flew back to the bed and started drawing on her face. She is a heavy sleeper, Jack thought trying to keep his laugh in.

He then got back in bed and straddled her. He pecked all around her face. "Jack...." she giggled. "She finally awakens." Jack murmurs with his cold lips attached to her collar bone.

"Shut up." she laughed lightly. He picked his head up and smiled at his love. He was trying so hard not to laugh. He couldn't blow his cover that quickly, he had to show everyone else his master piece.

"Come on babe, breakfast is probably ready." He said getting her out of bed. "Alright, let me just go to the bathroom." She said. She had mirrors in her bathroom. He couldn't let her or she would find out before anyone else could see her face. He hurried and flew to block the bathroom door.


"Jack move away from the door before it's a problem." He stared at her in amusement. "No girl."

She couldn't harm him. She huffed being serious. She could look like a zombie or more like a clown thanks to Jack.

She used her air to push him out of the way. Before she could even take two steps he hurried and hoisted her over his shoulder and speed into the dining room.

He sat her down and finally he could laugh. She rolled her eyes at his weird behavior. Everyone was up. They all looked at Jack and then at Paris. They finally caught on to why Jack was laughing.

Everyone was laughing. But Tooth she was....well you can say in tears and pointing at her.

Paris POV

Tooth was pointing at me and laughing. That couldn't be good. I flew to the nearest bathroom and looked at my self in the mirror.

"Jackson Overland Frost!" I screamed. He pecked his head in the door and made kissy faces at me. I glared at him as he tried to hold in his laugh.

"I love you." He giggled. "Ya, ya whatever. Why would you do this Jack? That's so embarrassing. I'm gonna get you back so good." I couldn't help but laugh at my face. He really did make me look like a clown.

"Yeah whatever babe I like to see that." He playful snorted. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Can you help me get this stuff of my face at least?" I pouted.

"Of course." He kissed my pouted lip and helped me get this junk off my face.

After we ate breakfast I went to my room to changed. I felt like I needed more practice for my air bending. I took a shower and changed into this.

 I took a shower and changed into this

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I Remember Her: A Jack Frost Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now