Chapter 24

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No one POV

Paris and Pitchy continued to fight. They were both at there most powerful. Both refused to lose. Paris had her loved ones on her mind and Pitchy had his honor to protect. This wasn't going to end well. "Come on little bitch!" Pitchy said. Paris screamed and attacked him.

He flew down to where the guardians where still dreaming

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He flew down to where the guardians where still dreaming. "Stop this now!!!!" Paris voice got deeper as the people before her spoke with her. Fire came out of her mouth.

She ran up to him and kicked him

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She ran up to him and kicked him. She stepped right in front of him. Eyes still glowing. "Okay! Okay! Okay!" He snapped his fingers and the guardians were back to normal. Jack looked around and saw Paris. He thought she had died. Could he still be dreaming or was that all a dream. "Paris." Once Paris heard Jack voice she turnt back to normal and looked around for him. Paris and Jack were too caught up in each other eyes to notice anything else. "Pitchy." North boomed. "Not so fast fat stuff." Pitchy got up and pierced Jack with his sword. "Jack!" Paris caught him as he fell and Pitchy disappeared again. She removed the sword and threw it across the room. Jack moaned in pain.

"No no no. This can't be happening." Paris muttered. "Jack baby. Open your eyes. Come on. I just need you to open your eyes." "Remember sweetie a life for a life." She heard Pitchy in her head. Bunny, North, Tooth, Flame and Sandy all surrounded Paris and Jack. They had to be strong for Paris. None of them cried as they watched Paris cry her eyes out. Jack wasn't moving. "Baby just open your eyes." Paris kissed his lips. Jack opened his eyes but barley. He wanted to scream 'I love you' but the words couldn't seem to have a voice. She smiled. "It's all gonna be okay. Guys take him." Tooth held him in her arms as Paris got up. "I love all of you. And I'm sorry." They all gave Paris a worried look.

She flew up and turnt into Flames.

She flew up and turnt into Flames

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I Remember Her: A Jack Frost Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now