Chapter 2

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No One POV

Paris and Jack were on could 9, literally. Racing away. It was always a competition between the young couple. They were so competitive. Paris was ahead but Jack, he was right on her trail.

"How do you like my snow dust!?" Paris yelled to Jack. "You won't be saying that when I catch up to you!" Jack yelled back. Paris playfully scoffed. "Yeah right, you can't even touch me." Paris smirked. But she spoke to soon.

Jack grabbed her, and they both went tumbling in the snow getting looks from people as they went down the slopes

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Jack grabbed her, and they both went tumbling in the snow getting looks from people as they went down the slopes. Once they stopped rolling down, they looked at each other and began to laugh.

Once their laughter dived down a bit, Jack took a meaningful deep sigh. "I'm in love with you Paris Fawndela." She gave him a smile that brightened his whole day.

"As I am with you, Jackson Overland." He smiled and kissed her. Passionate was the only word that could describe that kiss.

He gently pushed her to the snowy ground as they made out

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He gently pushed her to the snowy ground as they made out.

He licked her bottom lip asking for entrance which she granted him. They fought for dominance as Jack won. She could feel him smirking through the kiss.

"Ewww!" A voice was heard causing them to break the kiss. They looked to see Emma, Jack's little sister and Ms.Overland, his mom.

Paris pushed Jack off of her as Jack huffed, disappointed, that they were intruppted. "Paris!" "Emma!" Emma ran into Paris open arms hugging her tightly. Jack smiled at the sight of his fiancée and little sister.

Emma ran and gave Jack a hug as he attacked her with kisses making her giggle uncontrollably. "You were supposed to hug me first, I'm your brother!" "I'm so-sorry!" she laughed.

Paris heart melted at the sight. Jack would be a wonderful father, she thought.

"So I see you guys are having fun." Ms.Overland smirked letting out a small laugh, causing Paris to blush.

"Well mother, we could've had a little bit more fun if-" Paris smacked the back of Jack's neck.

"Ouch." Jack hissed. "I was just kidding baby." Paris rolled her purple orbs, but couldn't help smiling. "You guys are so cute!" Ms. Overland gushed.

"Ohh Paris, no matter how many times I see that ring it get's to me every time." Ms.Overland said hugging her future daughter in law.

Overland said hugging her future daughter in law

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"I know, it's beautiful." Paris said bringing her right hand up and examineing her engagement ring.

Both, Paris and Ms.Overland had tears in their eyes. Jack shook his head and rolled his eyes. Woman, he thought.

Paris and Ms.Overland wiped their tears and continued talking about the wedding.

"Emma do you want me to teach you how to ice skate?" "Oh yes Jack! Can Paris come with us, and teach me some cool tricks?" "Aw love I wish I could but I have work, so I can't."

"Aww, ok." Paris kneeled down to Emma's height. "Baby cakes, as soon as I'm off, I will show you as many tricks as you want." She tapped her nose with her finger.

"Carter will be there too." Paris said. "Yay!!" Emma giggled while jumping up and down.

"Jack, I'm gonna be out getting supplies for the festival. So I need you to watch over Emma."

Ms.Overland said taking Emma's hand in her's. "Ok mom be there in a bit. Bye love you!" "Love you too honey."

Paris smiled at him. His family was his world. "What?" She giggled. "Nothing." Jack inched, closer to Paris. He grabbed her by her waist and brought her into his chest so that there was no space betweem them.

"I love you." He signed. "I love you.....forever and forever." "Forever." With that he connected their lips. Paris knew that if Jack and her got carried away, she would never make it to work so she pulled away from the kiss.

He groaned as she giggled. Than he repeatedly started pecking her lips. "Ja-ck I-I gotta -g -go." She kissed him one last time. "Ok bye baby, love you!" Paris said running back to her cabin. "I love you more!" Jack smiled as he watched her disappear. "Forever." He muttered and started walking to his house.

But forever is such a long time.

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