Chapter 19

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The next day....

No One POV

Jack was sleeping peacefully. Paris smiled down at him. His head was on her chest as he hugged her body tightly. These last couple of days have been wonderful. She couldn't be more happier. "What are you cheesing about?" Jack looked at her. She gasped and then smiled at him.

"I was just thinking." She mumbled and played with his hair. He signed in content. He closed his eyes for a split second and then opened them again. "Your glowing princess." He stared at Paris in awe. She blushed as he laughed. "Stop." She mumbled and pulled his hair. "Ow." He glared at her. She giggled.

A few moments of comfortable silence went by. "We have to get up soon Jack. Your probably needed back at the pole." She yawned. "Your trying to get rid of me huh?" "No of course not!" She went on. "I'm just playing baby. I know I have to. Sandy signaled me back yesterday but honestly I don't want to leave you." She shook her head at him. "Your a guardian Jack. You have responsibilities. They need you."

"Can you come with me? I'm sure everyone misses you and would love to see you." That would be great. I haven't saw them in months. Paris thought. "Sure. I would love to see everyone." Paris clapped her hands. "Good it's settled. We leave next week." Jack said before laying back down on Paris. "No," She laughed. "We leave today. Get up." She tapped him. He groaned but got up anyway.

"Take a shower with me. I'll make it worth your while." Jack winked. Paris rolled her eyes at him. They've been at it everyday, morning and night. Paris was on birth control. Now that she was human she would have to be careful because Jack certainly wasn't.

She gave into temptation and joined him in the shower. A little quickey never hurt anyone. Paris made sure to dress extra warm. "I'm ready." She announced. "Okay let's go. I'll race you!" Jack said ready to take off. Paris held her head down and sighed. Jack had noticed what he said. "I'm sorry Paris. I didn't mean-" "No your fine. It's still just taking some getting used to."

He smiled. "Come on love. I'll carry you. Your personal car." "I already have a personal car." She laughed. "I'm better. I fly and I'm way faster." Paris rolled her eyes. He grabbed her and carried her bridal style. "You ready?" "Mhmhm." She put her face in his chest. He looked down at her and tried not to feel bad. "Wind take me to the pole!" Jack demanded.

Paris POV

"That was fast. It feels like ages since I've been here. I've missed it." Jack wrapped his arms around me from behind once we landed on North's castle. "You ready?" "Yes." I mean everyone still thinks of me as the same. Should I be worried? No I'm overthinking everything. "Let's go." Jack grab my hand and interlocked our fingers. He then kissed my hand making me smile.

I walked into North's workshop and immediately remembered the familiar smell of fresh baked cookies and saw busy yetis and elf's. "SHA BA SHA BA DOO!" "Paul is that you?" Paul my favorite yeti, he had picked me up and spun me around. "It is you." I smiled and patted his head.

"These cookies are plain. Needs more icing!" I heard North boom. I shook my head and smiled as Jack let out an chuckle. "I don't mind making you some better ones." "Oh please do-" North turnt fully around facing me. "Paris! Paris! Paris!" North ran up to me and hugged me so tight. Spinning me around in circles. "I've missed you my daughter!" "Awe North." I wiped his rosy cheeks off that were filled with tears. "I've missed you to." I hugged him back.

"Paris! Oh my! Paris!" Tooth snatched me away from North and hugged me tight in the air. "Tooth can't breath." "Oh sorry I've just missed you." She gently put me on the ground and hugged me again as I hugged her back. I smiled. "Hey kiddo." Flame hugged me and rubbed my back in circles but Jack smacked his hand away from doing so. I rolled my eyes at him. Flame was like another brother. "Your still flaming hot to me girl." I laughed at his joke and saw Jack glaring at him. He better quit.

I Remember Her: A Jack Frost Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now