Chapter 20

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Author's Note
( Pitchy^ I know what you're thinking, why is he kinda cute, yeah l don't know either )

Paris POV

"What's wrong?" Everyone looked "Paris." Tooth came up to me and hugged me right. "Tooth, are you okay?" Now I was concerned. I looked at Sandy and hugged him. "Nice to see you again Sandy." He smiled sadly.

"Please tell me what's going on." I signed to him because apparently no one else was going to. "It's Pitchy, he wants you permanently dead to please his father." He signed back.

I looked at everyone. They looked at me with so much sadness. It bothered me. "I know you guys don't think I'm that weak to where I can't protect myself without any powers. I'm just as strong with or without my abilities, so please wipe the looks off your faces."

I looked at Jack. He chuckled and pulled me into him. "Paris is right, she's the strongest most bravest person I know." I smiled at him. "Lass we won't let anything happen to you." Bunny came and pulled me out of Jack's gripped and hugged me. "Thanks Bunny." I hugged him back.

"We are gonna fight! We aren't going to cower away just because he took my powers. You guys are guardians. Fearless guardians." I said. They all smiled and looked at me with pride.

"Paris is right!" North boomed. "We must start training immediately!" I nodded my head. Jack and Flame looked at each other and nodded. "I'll go with Flame." Jack said. "I'll train with Sandy." Tooth nodded. "Bunny assist me with Paris." North said as Bunny nodded.

"Paris, be safe." Jack kissed me. "Always."

If it was a fight that Pitchy wanted, he was going to get it. I am not afraid. I was never afraid.

Jack POV

Flame and I decided to train in Burgess, there was an open lot with tons of space that no one ever went to.

"Paris is something else." Flame muttered. "Sure is." "Man I seen the way you looked at her as we left, your worried for her." "I mean, wouldn't you be if someone threatened Tooth with death?" "Of course I would man, but Paris isn't Tooth. Paris is different. She needs no one to do anything. Not us, not you." "That's the thing man, I need her. I can't lose her. Not again. Not when I just got her back. I will kill him if I have to." Flame hugged me.

"Brother I got you and Paris. Nothing is gonna happen to her. She's got fire in her soul. And fire burns bright." I nodded my head. "Thanks Flame." "Anytime, now let's train." I smirked and Flame blasted me as I did the same.

No One POV

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No One POV

North and Bunny trained Paris in hand and hand combat. North showed her how to use a sword while Bunny taught her how to use boomerangs and sneak attack. They were glad to see she was tying and succeeding.
Hours Later.

"Thank you North and Bunny." Paris said. "No need to say thanks." North shook his head. "Yea mate we can't have you going against Pitchy with no bloody defense." Bunny said ruffling up my hair as she smiled.

"Paris you should also rest. Humans function best when they have enough sleep." North said Bunny slapped his stomach and glared at him. "North!" "Oh I am sorry." I smiled. "No you're right. Thank you." I hugged both of them one last time and went to my room. I didn't know how tired I was, as soon as my face hit my pillow I was out.

Jack POV

"How was she?" I asked North. Flame and I just got back from training. "She was perfect. She worked so hard. She's sleeping now. She should be knocked out for the next few hours. We did a lot." "That's my girl." I nodded my head and smiled. I walked to her room. She was sleeping peacefully.

I decided to take a shower. I probably stunk so bad. After my quick shower I changed and got into the bed being careful not to wake Paris. "I'm so proud of you." I kissed her forehead and she snuggled into my side. I smiled and closed my eyes letting slumber take me over.

Weeks Later
No One POV

"That's enough training for today Paris." North said making Paris sigh. "I can go again North." She punched the pouching bag repeatedly. "He's right Lass, you need sleep and a good meal." Bunny agreed with North.

Paris was working and fighting a little to much. It's been times that she would wake up and go straight to the fighting room. She wasn't eating, as much as she is supposed to be. And she wasn't sleeping regularly. North and Bunny were worried about her health.

Paris shook her head. "I'm fine Bunny. I just want to work on my skills some more. "Paris I don't want you over working." North said slightly with a edge to his voice. "North! I am fine!" "And your also human." North spoke softly. Paris sighed. They were right, she thought. I'm over working myself.

"Okay I understand, I'm gonna take a shower and sleep for a while." North and Bunny smiled as Paris walked to her room. "I'll get the yetis to bring her some food." North said as bunny nodded. "She's so stubborn." North shook his head but smiled. "That's that fight in her. She's gonna win." Bunny said. "She is." They were both were confident in her.

Jack POV

"Where's my baby at?" I asked no one in particular as I walked into the pole. "She's sleeping right now." North appeared. "She's had a long day. Over worked herself." He crossed his arms. "Do you think all this is a little to much for her." "Do I think?" He boomed. "Very difficult question." He hummed. "I know she is over working herself but for's never to much. It's never just enough my boy. Paris is an over achiever." You got that right. I nodded my head. "If she keeps this up she won't have any energy for the real fight. Most important thing for her right now is rest."

"I understand. I'll watch after her." I was about to leave but North pulled me back. "And Jack no foul play. She won't be able to take it." Now that is a lie. I laughed. "No promises North." I smirked and hurry and ran before he could say anything.

I Remember Her: A Jack Frost Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now