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An: I have never been to olive garden so Idk what its like sorry reader~senpai if I get it wrong >~<

•.•.•.•. Things .•.•.•.•

An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name

F/c = Fav colour

F/f = favourite food

C/c = clothes of your choice

~Your pov~

Once I got home ,which was still my parents house, as they didnt want me to leave until I had finished university, I checked the time. 3:42pm I still had a while to get ready. I needed to be at olive garden for

5pm so I slugged my way up the stairs (An: you know what I mean by slugged right? When u just walk up slowly or on your butt xD) I walked down the hallway past a few guest rooms and into my room ( yes your house is massive OK? xD)

What should I wear? I got a white shirt with a F/c tie then wore a black skirt/ trouser's and layed them over the F/c blanket on my bed. Maybe this is to formal? After about 10 minute's of searching I decided on wearing C/c, they weren't to formal or to informal so I didnt look like a workaholic or like I was lazy and didnt do to little work.

Then I checked the time. 4:03 still plenty of time. I jumped in the shower and getting ready for the meeting. Once I was ready it was 4:38 so I decided to walk as olive garden was less than 20 minutes away and it was a nice day; it was not warm enough or way to cold.

I left the house told my goodbyes to the maids and my parents pet (dog/cat/whatever pet your parents should have (¬_¬)ノ ) they replied back with a small noise as I patted their head.

The warm air gushed across my face as I walked and a gentle breeze blew my hair slightly behind me as I was walking and took in the scenery as I walked. I saw many cute gardens and some beautiful flowers at the park I passed.

Buzzzzzz Buzzzz (phone noises \(^o^)/)

I had a call from Zianna I pressed accept call then answered

"Hello? Its Y/n, Is this Zianna?"

"Sorry to bother, I was just wondering when you where arriving. Did you know the meeting at olive garden was at 4:50?"

I checked the time... 5:10??!?!!! How was that possible?!?!

"I'm so sorry Miss Ro'meave!! I thought the meeting was at 5 and I had lost track at time I'll be there in a few minutes!!"

I started sprinting, like wolfs where chasing after me.

"Oh, Its fine I was sliglty late as well and I've had my sons and some friends to keep me company.See you in a bit"

"Bye Miss!"

I didnt bother putting my phone back in my pocket/bag, I just ran with a firm grip onto the f/c phone case. It and it took around 5mins to arrive at Olive garden.

Panting for air I ran in then turned to my left to see somone frantically waving at me.

"Miss Y/n, its me Zianna we are over here dear!"

I walked over panting heavily from the run, and tried to talk between gasps.


I sliglty bowed and sat down between Zianna and a dark haired boy with most of his hair covering his right eye. He had a mask also covering a lot of his face and icy blue eyes...eye?

As well A boy with blonde haired boy with slightly darker blue eyes sat on the left on Zianna, next to him was boy with light brown hair and light blue piercing eyes. As well as them was a woman with black hair and bright brown/orangy (An: Aph's eyes are kinda orangy Idc what you say -__- xD) eyes next to her was a guy with dark black eyes and hair.

"So Y/n is it?" The boy next to me said looking directly at me.

"Uhmmm... Yes, I'm Y/n... My parents are currently enjoying a well earned break so I have taken over the business for a while...and what is your name?"

I got slightly lost in his sudden words and relaxing voice.

"Thats my son Zayn, and this is my other son Garroth, as well as their friends Laurence, Aphmau and Aaron. I'm aware you will be informing your parents when the come back so a reply to our offer will be delayed until ttomorrow or the day after."

As she introduced everyone she pointed towards them and they smiles as she did so, which I couldn't help smiling back at. Also I was supposed she allowed her sons freinds to attend, but I did not mind as the lightened the mood from not just a meeting.

After chatting with Zianna whilst the others freely talked in the background she told me about how she wanted to work together with out company. I took notes and once we where finished she insisted I stay.

Once our food was ordered and we had all talked plenty I realised I had a lot in command with them.

"So Y/n!! Will we be keeping in touch I'd like to be freinds!" Aphmau asked

"Are you sure? I'm pretttty boring if you ask me" I said half jokingly

"Your pretty cool. I'd like to keep in contact with you for sure." Laurence said while winking, I'd learn he was a bit of a casanova.

"I'm sure even my baby brother wants to be freinds." Garroth replied smiling at his brother quickly ,who looked away.

"Well...... Sure!! Here's my number."

After trading numbers we all said our goodybyes and I started walking back home wondering about how my parents vacation was. I hope they had a good time and they are not disappointed that I was 25 minute's late. I doubht they would be as they got a good business deal.

~An: hope u enjoyed ! 1007 words not including these xD.
I had to keep writing once I saw I was close to 1000. Lol byeee~

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