♡chapter 9♡

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An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = Fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name

~Zanes pov.~

I heard the door nob turn and I quickly looked towards the door ,as well as y/n.

Y/n eyes widened and she ran towards the door as it opened then hugged the man who was standing there.

"Daddy!!" She hugged him tightly with a playfull beautiful smile on her face.

"My beautiful little girl!! What a suprised to see you home. I thought you where at a party!!" He said smiling ear to ear. He seemed like a happy, friendly man in his 50's maybe late 40's.

Y/n giggled and smiled just as much back at her dad.

"Well don't you have to go to a new years meeting party thing soon as well dad?" She giggled and raised a eyebrow with a smirk on her face.

"Yes I do!! I was going to change into something less-" y/n cut him off with her laughter.

"Hehe hahaha. I know you would come back home first because you didn't eating your muffins from this morning!!" She laughed more after words and I had never seen this side of her.

"You know me to we'll now before you make me smile and laughed to death let me eat my muffin and come down stairs to introduce me to your friend." He looked over to me and smiled ,I some how managed to find myself returning the smile. Luckily he could see since I had my mask off.

"Ok daddy!! Is mum home as well?" She said and let go of the huh as well as looking up to him questiongly. (An: That a word? o~o)

"Your mum had to go to the meeting and she wanted me to check on rocky ,however I came here to eat muffins as well." He smiled and left the room then y/n walked back to me.

"So we need a girl name for you don't we?" She laughed.

"Y-yeah...." I looked at her still thinking about what just happened and I must of answered sadly.

"What's wrong? Have I got something smudged up my face?!" She said probably  because of my reply.

"No!! I was just thinking.... you act different with your family.." I looked up at her from my seat as she was standing.

"Oh? I do? How so?" She leaned her back on her dressing table sliglty.

"Your happier and playfull." I truthfully told her.

"Well... my parents mean a lot to me. They have always helped me so... I guess try to help them." She said staring off into space sliglty talking to her self.

"What do you mean." I looked at her taking in all her features. Her eyes her hair her beautiful face.

"My parents always got stressed from work. So I realised I needed to be more cheerful and hopefully that will release some of the stress." She said still staring of into space. She was kind and thoughtful and she was perfect inside and out.

She turned to me.

"Zane? Please come back to earth!!" She laughed and I was snapped out of my trance. Wait why did I think those things about her before?..

"S-sorry. I was thinking about my girl name." I said leaning back into the chair I was sitting in.

"Didn't you tell Laurence you where... zara?" She questioned.

"Oh yeah. Thank irene you remembered otherwise my plan would be ruined if I had said a different name." I said with a small laugh and scratching my neck.

"Right! So let's see if my dad believes your a girl first!" She giggled and grabbed my hand.

She then dragged me out of the room and down the stairs. And a small blush ws across my face for the first few seconds she held my hands.

"Daddy!!" She shouted whilst I was dragged down the stairs.

After I was dragged into the kitchen where her dad was sitting. And to be honest I was still amazed by how vast the house was. Then a muffin was shoved into my face.

"Here zane. Try one!! My dad had to many anyways." She looked over to he'd dad and giggled.

"1 muffin gone to waste..." her dad jokingly said and shook his head.

"Don't  be mean to zara!!" She said laughing

"Oh I wasn't being mean to her. Don't worry." He said with a smirk and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Wait... you mean...1 muffins  went to waste on me!?!" She said playfully giving him a glare.

"So zara. Are you going to the party with her?" He asked looking at me hopefully.

"Yes I am sir." I said trying to do a girly sounding voice and y/n was trying to hold on laughter.

"Good. Can you keep an eye on her? She's been hanging around with this one boy-" y/n cut him off.

"DAD!!" He looked at her then back at me.

"Yes sir I'll make sure she stays out of trouble." I said smiling back at his smile. What was it with him? His smile was like a disease ,however y/n had a smile just like it but worse. Her smile could light up a pitch black room merely in seconds.

"Daddy we better get going. Tell mum I said hi!!" She smiled and grabbed my arm and dragged me outside.

An: so I am debating. Should zanes plan work or should it not? In the episode it did but I might change it. I dunno \( •-• )/

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