~chapter 10~

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An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = Fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name


~Your pov.~

I knocked on the door of Aphmaus and aarons house with zane behind me then saw garroth answer the door.

"Hey. Y/n your finally here. Where did you go? Aphmau told me you left a few minutes  before the party." Garroth said giving me a questionable look.

"Oh! I...uhmmm..... I found Zana and uhmmm.. she said she was going to this party as well so I uhmmm.... I talked to her for a while.uhmm... Yeah!!" I said trying to come up with an excuse on the spot and gesturing to zane- Zana when I said his- her name.

"Your laurneces friend. Good to see youm So you both stood outside in the cold? Get inside, I wouldn't want to beautiful girls standing in the rain." He said as he gestured us to come inside and we both smiled at him.

"Thank you garroth." Zane said in his girl voice.

"How did you know my name?" Garroth turned around after shutting the door to face Zana.

"O-oh.... I-" I cut Zana off.

"I told her about everyone who was at the party.  And your the only blonde guy here so she knew it was you." I said quickly since I was a bit worried zanes- Zanas urghhhh (I give up!!) plan would fail.

"Right. That makes sense." Garroth nodded his head in approval and walked away.

"That was close" Zane stated and I looked at him sliglty annoyed.

"You are so bad at this! Have you ever tried acting?" I wispered shouted to him.

"Y-yeah I'm brilliant!!" Zane said with a shaky unsure voice.

(An: I'm saying zane idc!! Just imagine you keep mixing his name up. xD)

"No then" I said with a small sigh.

"We did a neighbourhood show once and I thought I was good." He said pouting a bit.

"What was she play about?" I asked curiously.

"Romeo and Juliet." Once he said this I laughed "why are you laughing?" He asked.

"Who was Romeo and Juliet? I bet they had a hard time. Did they do the kissing scene?" I said with a small laugh between some words.

~Zane explains what happens in the show~

I laughed "wow Laurence  and garroth both kissed" I said between laughs.

Me and Zane kept talking for a while and  it many people really noticed our laughs over the loud music. However, Aphmau then waked over to us.

"Y/n!! So when did you get here and who's this?" Aphmau said looking over at zane.

I sliglty breathed in and hoped she wouldn't reconised zane since he did look 10× different, but I was still worried.

"This is Zana. She was invited my Laurence." I said smiling a bit to cover up my worried expression.

"Well Laurence is over here would you like to go to him?" Aphmau suggested looking over and pointing to the direction where laurnece and another girl was next to him.

"Sure.." Zane said in his girl voice.

Once me and Aphmau had walked him over to Laurence  we both left them ,but before I left zane I have him a 'don't screw it up look'.

~zanes pov.~

Y/n left with Aphmau giving me a glare saying 'don't screw it up'. I sighed and talked to Laurence.

"Hey Laurence. How are you?" I said beautiful and fluttered my eye lashes.

(An: Lolol beautiful pffft ok zane just for you ill say it's beautiful xD)

"Hey Zana. I've been pretty good I was catching up with kim. How about you?" He asked looking up at me.

"Ehm.. yes I've been good but all I've had on my mind has been you" I said smiling and in my head laughing at how badly I was going to break his heart!!

Mwhahahahahha >:3

"O-oh... you have?" Laurence said sliglty flustered and confused.

"All the time Laurence" I replied back quickly and looked straight I his eyes.

"You look familiar...." Laurence squinted his eyes at me.

"No!! I mean-" I had lost my girl voice at that sudden explosion. "I gotta go get a drink!" I exclaimed and walked away to the kitchen where u found y/n of her phone vlogging with most of the girls.

"So we are going to go prank the guys. Right girls?" y/n said laughing and they all laughed and approved.

"Y-y/n can I talk for a second?"I asked since I really needed her help.

"Zana you should help us as well first is that ok?" She turned her face to me and smiled slightly.

"Sure." I could wait a while before I told her about the situation with Laurence  nearly reocnising me.

"So we are going to turn the light off and then we will all vanish. Lucinda is your magic ready??" Y/n asked.

"You got it girl!!" Lucinda said laughing.

"We should leave breads ticks behind!!" Aphmau said and the girls all laughed.

~Time skip.~

~nobody's pov. ~

A little whole later, the girls where dotted around the room and the only people who didn't know about this was Kim and the guys.

The light suddenly went off. A few of the guys screamed and most of them waited for something to happen.

They suddenly turned back on and all the girls besides Kim vanished.

(An: if your wondering why Kim isn't vanishing it's because she was with laurneces most the party right?)

"Aph?!" Aaron shouted with a concerned voice.

"Where did they go!?!" All of them shouted in unison.

"Oh no this is bad! The alien potatoes have gotten them!!" Dante yelled and panicked frantically walking around, with his head in his hands.

"Don't be ridiculous. There must be a logical way." Laurnece replied.

"Maybe they all died because there was no tacos at this party!!" Travis yelled pouting since he remembered all the tacos that had gone.

"You ate them all!!" Garroth replied.

"I hope kawaii~chan us alright. As well as the rest of them." Damien said quietly ,with his head down, but they all heard.

"Awwwh. That's so cute!" Garroth cooed.

"This is like a weird horror movie." Kim stated and a few laughs where heard making her sliglty embarrassed.

Knock Knock Knock

That was all that was heard and the lights turned off.

"Guys...?" Garroth mumbled but then...

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