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An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = Fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name

~Aphmaus pov.~

Knock Knock.

I quickly went to the door and opened it to see Y/n standing and smiling to herself.

"Y/n!! I've opened the door come in!" I said waving my hand in front of her face and doing hand motions for her to come inside.

"Oh, sorry Aphmau." She bowed sliglty and walked inside to be greeted by the rest of the girls.

"Hey girl, you must be Y/n I'm lucinda."

"Hey Y/n~Senpai!! Kawaii~Chan has heard so much about Y/n~senpai!" 

(An: sorry if I do kawaii chan badlly >~<)

"Hey I'm Katelyn." 

Y/n shook hands with all of them.. I forgot her fomalness.

"Y/n, Loosen up a bit this is a girls day not a formal meeting." Lucinda told her

Aaron was staying with Dante and Travis for the night so he wouldn't disturb our girl night ,which was nice of him.

"Sorry, I've just been use to meeting people I dont know very formally for politeness" emily said scratching the back of her neck a bit embarrassed.

"Kawaii~Chan was taught how to be formal fr zane-cun ,but Kawaii~chan got a good balance between her formal side and kawaii~chan side.hehe" she giggled sliglty at y/n, who was still embarrassed sliglty.

"So.... Let's go shopping!" I chanted and we all went into 2 cars.

On the way through the car Y/n recorded the scenery once we where half way through the journey.

~Time skip~

~your pov.~

"KATELYN YOU NEED NEW SHOES!!! THEN MAYBE PEOPLE WILL STOP SAYING ' WHAT ARE THOSE?!!" Aphmau roared (An: idc how old that joke is! xD)

"Katelyn... She has a point." Lucinda told her.


Me and Kawaii~chan where just watching.(An: where's my popcorn!?!)

This argument carried on for a few minutes until I decided to take action.

"GUYS!!" I shouted louder than them all and they turned to me "we can all go to whatever store we want to and if your all going to the shoe stores and Katelyn does not want to go I'll go somewhere else with her and anyone else can come if they like. Deal?"

Everyone nodded. And me and Katelyn as well as Kawaii~chan went to bakery and I took my camera out when we got a camera.

"Do you guys mind being in my youtube vid?" I questioned.

"Kawaii~Chan would love to!!'

"I don't mind" katleyn said with her mouth full of cake.

"OK!!" Then I prepared the camera and pointed it at my face.

"So hey everyone!! (An: You do a intro or something if you want o-o)

So I'm at a cute bakery with some new freinds say hey guys!!"

"Kawaii~Chan says hii!!" She said with a big closed eye smile

"Hey." Katelyn replied still with her mouth full of cake.

After a bit I put the camera down.. Few now I've got an intro done and I can add some music to the background of the video of the scenery when we drived here.

Whilst I was planning things out in my head I someone.

"Y/n!!!!"I turned my head sliglty to see Aphmau now at the table with Lucinda and.... Zane?

"Hmmm? Im sorry was I day dreaming?" I replied back sounding half asleep.

"Yeah you where staring at zane." Lucinda stated sliglty raising a eyebrow.

I turned to zane

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomputable Zane I did not mean to." I gave him a sliglty concerned look.

"I-Its fine..Y-you have done it before...." He had a slight pink on his face but he covered most his face so I wasn't sure and shrugged it off.

"When did I do that? I'm sorry."

I turned to see everyone and I saw kawaii~chans eyes sparkling at me? No. Zane? Wait... Both of us?....whatever.

After that we talked for a while and carried on shopping with zane tagging along for a while then leaving once he'd finished his shopping.He was different from other guys I'd met, hopefully I'll see him again and we will be freinds.

All the girls finished shopping and we chucked our bags in the back of either of the 2 cars. Then me made our way back home for the sleepover, which I knew was going to be plenty of fun with my new friends.

This Kinda was my first ever sleep over so... I WAS SO EXCITED!!

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