~chapter 12~

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An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = Fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name

M/n = Moms name


~Your pov.~

I don't remeber what was exactly said that day....
I don't remeber anyone's expressions at the funeral....
I don't remeber who was there...and I don't care...
All I remeber is the pain and loss....


I called mum and it went to her voice mail.

"Hey mum... I was wondering when you'll be back home... I just realised how late it was and was worr-" I was cut of by the beep that told me I couldn't say anymore.

"She's not picking up?" Zane asked sitting next to me on the sofa.

"No...." I started squirming in my seat.

"Try again she might have just liked the sound of her ring tone." Zane said and laughed a bit and made me less worried.

"Yeah. I will call her again" I pressed on her contact and rung her again.


I started panicking more once I heard that horrible sound again.

"What about your dad?" Zane asked trying to keep me in high hopes.

"Yeah..." I rung dad.

No answer. And another beep from voice mail.

"Maybe their phones died."

"M-maybe..." I stuttered looking down at my phone in my lap.

Suddenly my chin was lifted up and I was facing zane.

"They'll be fine don't worry." Before I was going to reply he embraced me and I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could.

"You should get some sleep. I'll go to the guest room if you need me. just knock. ok?" Zane asked with a concerned face as he pulled away from the embrace.

"Ok.... Thanks zane." I said smiling a bit at him so he wouldn't worry about me as much.

"Night. Sleep tight." He said as he got up and left my room.

I sighed and got ready for bed. And then after an hour of worrying I drifted to sleep.

I woke up to my ringtone. I call from dad. At 7am? I answered with no hesitation.

"DAD! ?! Are you ok I was worried sick!!" I wimpered into the phone and sat up in bed.

"Hey honey.... something... happened...." He sobbed between words.


He burst out crying.

"Dad!? Are you ok!? What's wrong!?"

"She's gone! She's gone! She's gone!" He spat out and after words cried.

"Daddy? Who?" I asked concerned, I also heard the door creep open.

"Y....y...y....your.....your....my.....my...m....my....our...." He sobbed and I couldn't  understand  anything.

"Daddy?...." I felt his pain and tears merged in my eyes even if I was oblivious to whatever had happened.

"M/n......." He spat and cried more.

"What about mummy?....." I questioned and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"H....hos....hospital...." when I heard these words the world stopped and my eyes felt as if they where bleeding. It felt as if hot blood drips fell down my cheeks stinging both my cheeks and eyes.

I dropped my phone and heard my dad panicking since I didn't respond.

Then I was picked up bridal style and I heard zane...

"Hey its y/n's friend. Which hospital are you at so I can get her there to her mum and you?" He asked and I dug my head into his chest as he carried me to my car. He must of found my keys left carelessly on the side...

After that was a blur. I was taken to the hospital by zane and we ran to my mum through many corridors in the hospital so similar to the labyrinth.

I smashed through the doors or room 367 and she was there wrapped up in many mechanics and I heard heavy breathing.

But from my dad.... my mum stopped hadn't breathed since I entered the room....

-End of FlashBack-

The funeral was a week ago. And ever since that, the realisation hit me that she was gone.... I hadn't talked to anyone since. Not even dad who lived in the same house.

Whenever friends visited I wouldn't talk to them. If my dad invited them inside I'd lock the bedroom door and put headphones on so I could listen to sad music and ignore their calls from behind my bedroom door.

I ate most the food dad left at my door, But I never finished a full dish.

I sat on my bed drawing pictures of mum or looking through pictures of her on my phone or thinking about that day. I don't remeber much of anything else.....

~zanes pov.~

I was currently with everyone from out street,  who knew y/n.

She hadn't replied to any of our calls or texts and none of us had seen her. We had tried going to her house but she locked herself in her room. We don't know what to do...

(An: my chapters are not going to be as crappy as they use to be and I'm sorry this chapter may have been emotional. 😭😭)

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