~My little horsie land 1~

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An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name

M/n = Moms name


~Your pov.~

"Ok ok ok. Have I got eveything? Maybe I should check again..." I asked myself whilst pacing around the room.

"I'm sure you have got eveything." My dad reassured.

I had packed for my trip to my little horsie land with zane and I was currently searching my brain for anything I could have forgotten. I had some strange feeling in my gut. A feeling that I has forgotten something.

"Hmm..... maybe-" I started.

Knock Knock

"That must be zane. I'll get the door." I told my dad and bolted down the stairs. Once I was at the door I quickly opened it and hurried zane inside.

"What's wrong?" Zane questioned ,as I pushed him up the stairs, abandoning his suit case at the door.

"What have I forgot!?" I asked as we enter my room.

"Uhhh.... y-you sure you want me looking through your stuff?....."  he asked awkwardly.

"I know I'll get to the hotel and forgot something important." I told him.

"Y/n stop panicking. If you have forgot something, I'm sure we can either buy it or your dad can send it through the mail so... dont worry." Zane smiled.

"Your flights leaving in an hour you should be heading out soon sweet heart." My dad told me and I saw some sadness in his eyes.

"Oh. Yeah we should. I'll miss you dad!!" I hugged him and we left after.

~Time skip.~

"I'm so excited!!!!" I yelled and fangirled as we waited for out plane to arrive.

"Same!!!! We should go to the pinkie cake's land of sweets and fun!" Zane fanguyed just as much as me.

"Yes!! Then we have to visit the apple roundup restaurant for food!!" I yelled.

I looked around us and a few people where giving us strange looks but... Oh well

"The planes arrived!" Zane told me and grabbed my free hand. The other was holding my luggage , he then dragged me into the plane.

"I can't belive we are really going there." Zane said with a happy sigh afterwards.

"I'm happy that your happy!!" I chirped and got into my seat next to zane.

"Thank you.... for getting me the tickets to go..." He said soothingly.

"I got it you to say thank you remeber. No need to thank me ,but your welcome." I smiled towards him then kissed his cheek. He had a light blush with a small smile.

Also did I mention? Zane had not been wearing his mask as often so I got to see his adorable freckles and his amazing smile a lot more often.

Later on the flight I turned from my phone to see a sleepy zane. I think he was trying to catch flies with his mouth wide open but it was cute. The small snores relaxed me and I found myself drifting to sleep as well with my head resting on his shoulder.

"Hey!! Hey!! Miss!! Sir!! Please you should wake up.."  I heard a voice getting louder as I slowly woke up more and more.

"Huh?" Me and Zane said in unison.

"Oh thank irene!! I thought you would be asleep all day!" She worried.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have fell asleep so I could wake up zane when we arrived." I sat up ,stretched my arms, then opened my eyes.

"No ,no its fine!!" She said happily and I looked around to still see a few passengers leaving the plane.

"Y/n? We arrived yet?" Zane said half asleep.

"Yes we have get up sleepy head." I lightly flicked his head and his eyes opened at my touch.

"Thank you for your help. I am really sorry you had to wake us up." I then turned to zane and waited for him to thank her.

".....thanks..??" Zane questioned still half asleep.

"No problem! I should get going. See ya!" As she walked away I went over he features. She had dip died hair from brown to blonde and beautiful hazel brown eyes. I doubt we will see her again but it's always good to remeber!!

Once we got all our luggage and where out the air port, we hired a car and drove to the hotel.

( An: lalalalalalalalalallalaalallaalala Idk...)

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