~chapter 14~

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An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = Fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name

M/n = Moms name


~Zanes pov.~

"So why aren't you and y/n acting any different!?! You kissed!! Do you love her? How long have you liked her? Why-" Aphmau ranted to me but I cut her off.

"Aphmau!! Let me just carry on thinking! Stop asking questions!" I said running around my house with her running after.

We had been doing this for irene knows how long.

"Garroth why are they yelling and chasing each other?" Laurence sleepily said coming down the stairs and sitting by garroth, who had been on the couch listening and watching us for about 10 minutes since we woke him up.

"Oh, I think zane kissed y/n and Aphmau wants to know the gossip about their relationship." Garroth said and I stopped. I realised he had heard eveything we had been shouting...

"I got you!!" Aphmau pushed me over and I fell on the other couch. "Now tell me eveything!!"

"How did zane kiss y/n?" Laurnece asked garroth.

"I'm not sure.. Maybe it was accidental?" Garroth replied back.

"No!! They kissed after y/n was really emotional!! It was super cute like of a romantic movie!! He kissed her and relaxed her sadness! It was absolutely adorable!!" Aphmau fangirled and I was still annoyed that now laurnece and garroth knew.

"Awwh, baby brother. I'm sure y/n likes you back but if she doesn't then it's ok I'm sure you can be freinds." Garroth said. Did he really have that little faith in me!?

"Yeah zane. Even if she starts dating someone else you have to accept it and-" stupid Laurence.

"Little laurnece. Stupid big brother garroth. She kissed me first so actually-"  I said but.

"WHAT!?" Laurnece and garroth said and I covered my mouth annoyed that I had told them that...

"YEAH!! See zane! You love her!! Your happy she kissed you and you kissed her back!!" Aphmau fangirled and giggled and snorted.

"Aphmau!!!" I had been a blushing mess throughout all of this...

"No way!!" Laurnece rebelled.

"Yes way little Laurence" I looked at him with a smirk, but blushed more when I thought about the kiss and her soft lips more...

After a while I left them alone to discuss how we had kissed WITHOUT me being there for them to nag.

The I got a text from y/n.

'Hey :) so... I was going to have a party at my house so that I can explain to eveyone. Can u help me text people? x'

I instantly replied back.

'Yeah sure! I can tell Aphmau, garroth and laurnece about it right now. I'm sure I can text a few other people as well just tell me the details. :)'

~Your pov.~

I need to thank zane for helping me the other day and Aaron and Aphmau. They all helped me so much yesterday. I also need to clean the house so that we can have  the party there, so much to do.

Dad told me he will be able to help with the Party and I am going to go shopping to get something for zane right now. Hmmm... Maybe a my little horsie? He already has most of them. Maybe a mlh Jumper or shirt? I'm not sure I'll just have to see when I get there.

~Time skip~

I had been at the mall for about half an hour and I had got food for the party as well as drinks and other things we would need. And I had got Aphmau a purple headband with cat ears that matched my F/c one. They where super cute!

I had no idea what to get aaron at first so I texted him asking if he wanted anything and it was so cute... he wanted help finding jobs so he could take Aphmau somewhere (An: Idk) but it cost a lot. At first I didn't think it would have been enough and I even offered him a lot of my saving to help afford it but he denied telling me he wanted to get the money by himself. In the end I found him a job in a potion store that payed quite well. I'm sure I knew someone who worked their... never mind.

Now it was zane. It took me years to find him something however I eventually found the prefect gift!!

(An: this chapter is a bit shorter but the last chapter was super long so is that ok? .o.)
Thank you for reading 💙

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