~Chapter 7!~

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An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = Fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name

~Imma skip a few months~

~Your pov.~

So much had happened in the past months. My youtube channel got over 1 million subscribers 2 days ago! And Aphmaus had problems with her relationship with Aaron and the maid cafe. Even zane ,who I actually had become pretty food friends with. I had also become good friends with everyone else and it was shader for me to visit them since of h

I was currently with zane sitting in his room letting him do my hair since Aphmau said he was pretty good.

"Zaneeeeeeeee" I complained

"Stay still." He said on a calm voice.

"Whys this taking so longggggggggg" I complained more.

"Stay still or its going to take longer." He said louder this time.

"I'm talking not moving"

"Stay still!"

"Hmff...." I pouted.

Zane sighs and then finished my hair.
(An: he can do plats or something  whatever u want .idc xD)

"Done." He turned me to face a mirror he had.

"Woah. Aph was right your petty good thank you zane!!" I smiled happily and turned to look at my hair from different  angles.

"No problem. So I saw u got a million subs the other day."

"Ya I did!! I was so happy and my subscribers where so supportive which made things better! Wait. How did you know unless. YOUR A SUB?!?!" I said jokingly.

"N-no I wouldn't  sub to you even if you are my friend. Stop making stuff up!!" Zane had a small hint of pink on his cheek but I wasn't  sure.

"What types of videos of mine do you enjoy? It would be great to get some advice from a sub." I said half talking to myself.

"I liked your my little horsies game play. An- I'm not a subscriber!!" He shouted the last part.

"Are you sureeeeee?"I said innocently looking at him.

"Fine maybe I watched a few videos...."

I opened my phone.

"What videos should i do then?" I said scrolling through my videos.

"Maybe some more Q&A's. There quite funny when you answer back to the random questions. Heh..." He said looking down a bit smiling to himself. I'm assuming he thought I didn't hear.

"Thanks!! But all the questions get to personal and I answered a lot of the other ones on my only Q&A." I said looking up a bit and then glancing back at my phone.

"Well... what are the questions like? I'm sure you can fine some."

I went on twitter and read the comments from my tweet asking for Q&A questions ,then gave my phone to zane.

"What type of eyes do you eat? What kind of question is that?!" Zane said laughing. I laughed to.

And after that we read through several questions and came up for funny answered for them.

"Who is your crush or who are you dating? Just say your not interested in anyone." Zane said.

"I am married to food haha." I say jokingly.

"Exactly why don't you just say that?" Zane said and his mask had sliglty fell down and he had a joking voice and face expression.

(An: does that make sense? o-o? )

"Haha... Maybe but.... A Q&A is supposed to be about my subs finding out more about me.... and they aren't if I keep joking about everything." I looked down and sighed.

"Well don't do another Q&A until your happy telling them more." Zane said moving closer and lifting my face up sliglty to look at him.

I hugged him and he looked slightly shocked and attempted to pull up his mask to hide his pink blush, but i was leaning my head against it making it impossible.

"Thanks zane" I said closing my eyes and resting my head on him and he hugged me back.

"Baby brother if you knew where the tv remote was- oh..." garroth eyes looked at us and widened.

We pushed away from each other and I felt a small amount of heat each my face and Zane was a brighter pink.

"GARROTH!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU KNOCK?!?!?" Zane screamed.

"Sor baby brother!! I didn't know you where flirting!!" Garroth says and lifts his arms up in defeat.

"f-flirting?!?! Flirting my ass!!!!" I jumped up and my cheeks got hotter when garroth  said 'flirting'.

"I'm sorry!!" Garroth said as I gave him a sliglty angry look.

"it's fine. Just know that we weren't  flirting or making out or anything. Ok?" I said and he nodded.

"It's ok he walked into my room without knowing?!?!?" Zane said irritated.

"He's your bother!! be nicer to him! you should love him!!" I said turing to zane.

"Awwwh, you guys would be so cute together." Garroth cooed and left.

My face burned. 

"Y-y/n what up with your face? Did you get a disease from garroth?!?!" Zane said worried and rushed closer to me putting his hand on my forehead. For some reason I my face heated up more.

"I-I-im f-fi-fine." I said looking up to him.

"Oh no!! You got his stutter disease!!" He said with a really worried expression.

And I burst out laughing.

"Haha haha." I fell to the floor and garroth and Laurence ran into zane room as this was there house and I was probably making loads of noise laughing.

"What going on?!..." Laurence said looking down at me dieing of laughter.

"She's sick!! Garroth gave her a disease!!" Zane said.

And I laughed more.

After God knows long of laughing  I sat up and told them I was fine just zane was Iver the top.

Once I left and I was home I lay in bed and something  hit me.

Why was a blushing so much because of... Zane?....

(An: dunn dun dunnnnnnnnnnnn \[°○°]/)

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