~Chapter 16~

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An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name

M/n = Moms name


~Your pov.~

"So hey guys this is C/n  I'm so so sorry for my lack of uploads and I'm so happy that you all supported me though a rough time of my life!!" I said happily to the camera.

"I'm also want to thank one thousand five hudred subscribers!! You guys are seriously amazing!! So because you guys have been so patient and supported me so much... I'm doing a give away!!!" I shouted happily and laughed a bit afterwards.

"So as you know I currently have 0 merchandise, however I have had an idea to give out a thousand of my exclusive new shirts and jumpers to you guys!! You can be a new or old subscriber anything as long as you enter into the competition!!" I said with a happy closed eye smile.

"There will be a link in the description and I wish luck to everyone!! To enter all you need to do is enter is parents permission and a email as well as to be a subscriber!! I will be emailing all the winners and sending the gifts through the mail for free! So that's it ...bueyyeyeyeyeyeyey!!!!!" I ended the video and smiled.

(An: and whatever else you need for a competition. I dunno o-o)

I seriously loved my youtube channel. Everyone was so supportive and I knew I needed to do something for them.

~Time skip a few hours. ~

It was currently 4pm and I had just finished editing and uploading the video. I also uploaded a other video with it.

(An: gaming, another vlog whatever you want.)

I got out of my seat and stretched my arms and legs. I heard a knock at my door. Just on time!!

I had invited zane over so we could hang out for the day and have some quality friend time.

(An: that's a bunch of rubish lol 'friend' my ass!!)

"Honey!! Zanes here!!" My dad shouted up the stairs.

I bolted out my room and ran down the stairs "Thank you for opening the door dad!!" I shouted and hugged him then walked up to zane.

"Hugs!!" I shouted and quickly hugged him before he could say anything.

"You seem happy" Zane muttered.

"I am!! I'm so happy!! My fans have made my day they are so supportive and it's so nice of them!!" I said beaming up at him.

"I've been one of your longest fans. So can win some of those new C/n shirts?" Zane questioned.

"No!! It would only be fair if you one it like everyone else needs to!" I said jokingly glaring at him.

"I know I know." He replied rasping his arms up in defeat.

"Wait... you already watched that video!? How!?" I questioned.

"Magic~~" he replied with a smirk and we both laughed.

(An: woah wizard zane *o*)

"So in 4 and a half days we are going to my little horsie land!!" I fangirled.

"I'm so excited!!" Zana fangirled as well but quickly snapped out of it. "Ahem... I mean... Yeah it sound fun..."

I laughed "remeber you don't need to hide your my little horsies fan girl side around me." I joked.

"Fineeeeeeee." He said smiling down at me.

"So can we go to the park to walk rocky?" I asked with a smile.

"Sure, but on the way I would like to go and buy some cupcakes."

"Sure!! I'm paying then! You payed last time and the time before that!!"

"No! I should pay I'm dragging you there agian!!" He protested.

"No no no!! It's only fair I pay for once! And I want to go! Your aren't dragging me!!"

This went back and forth and in the end zane one.... again...

(An: T^ T mean zane senpai)

We walked through the park, with cupcakes in our hands, and talked and enjoyed our self's. Rocky also enjoyed zanes company, which made it even better!! He's perfect! I mean Uhhh.. never mind.

We finished our cupcakes and put the waste in the bin. And as we walked together I linked arms with him and lay my head on his shoulder. We both lightly blushed... and in all seriousness... I didn't know why I did it... it just felt natural.

"Y/n?" He questioned looking down at me as we walked back home.

"Yes?" I responded back and he stopped walking causing me to stop walking also.

I lifted my head up from his shoulder and we stared at each other. Rocky also had stopped and was sitting looking up at the two of us.

"What is our relationship?" Zane asked with a slight worried tone in his voice.

In all honesty... I didn't know.. we clearly had feeling for it other ,but I didn't want to move to quickly....

(An: okay thanks for reading!! Also... OMFG!!! thanks so much for over 100 views... like woahhh 😍😍 lolol. Seriously though... thanks so much. I'm such a bad writer. Why are you reading this? Lol. Thank you so much 😭😭😢😍❤💕💕)

(Ps. I accidently uploaded this half way through writing and I quickly deleted it bt I'm sorry if that confused anyone!! Dx)

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