~chapter 13~

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(An: One bad word. Ok? And this chapter is kinda emotional as fuck xD)


An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name

F/c = Fav colour

F/f = favourite food

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name

M/n = Moms name


~ Your pov.~

I heard scratching at my door and I opened it knowing it was rocky.

(An: rocky is your parents dog and I think I already had a name for your parents pet but I can't remeber so it's rocky xD)

"Woof! Woof!" He greeted me when I opened the door wide enough for him to enter. After I closed it and locked it. I lay on my bed and he jumped onto my bed and lay next to me.

"I need to send a tweet telling my fans that I won't be able to make vidoes.... or a video on youtube.... I might stop C/n... I can't carry on youtubing right now... can I rocky?"

Rocky had been my dog since I was 5 and he meant a lot to me.

He licked the end of my fingers that where laying on the bed. I think he did this to tell me he was there for me.

"I've never lost a member of my family before... Mum and Dads parents died before I was born and my mum's sister is still well. As well as my little cousins.... I just don't know how to feel... I miss mum so much..." I felt my eyes stinging and I frantically blinked hoping the tears would stop.

Rocky lay his head on my lap as I sat up and wiped my eyes.

"Hey rocky? Want a walk? Dad hasn't taken you out yet has he?" His tail began to wag and a small smile lasted on my face for a few seconds.

"Let's go then." I got up and walked down the stairs and left the house in my pjamas.

It was about 6am and i was certain no one was awake.

But what about dad? What if he worry's...

I went back inside wrote a note and stuck it on the front of my door with some sticky tape. I also grabbed my phone....

I don't think I can handle looking at the messages from my friends... I quickly swiped them all away and didn't read any. I also quickly tweeted to inform my fans that I would not be uploading and I was sorry I didn't upload for the past week...

"Woof woof!!" Rocky barked at me as I stood staring at my phone in my hands once I was finished. My background had mum and me.... ignore it and go y/n...

"Woof!!" I snapped out of it and got a lead, attached it to rocky and left the house.

~Time Skip~

It was beautiful in the park at this time in the morning. The sun over the horizon, the birds singing, and the sweet scent of the morning air.

I sighed ,whilst I let rocky drag me around the park.

(An: anyone's dog do that? I know mine did. When I had one.. I miss you Daisy so much ❤)

Then I heard a few people talking and saw it was.... Zane? Aphmau? Aaron? What are They doing here....

I quickly dashed behind a tree so the couldn't see me and I made sure they couldn't see rocky either.

"Are you sure she's here zane?" Aaron asked zane. Who's he talking about?

"Yeah. Her dad told me she left a note telling him she would be walking their dog in this park." No they are talking about me? Stupid dad...

I checked the time quickly and my phone buzzed several times for some stupid reason!! I quickly shoved it in a pocket hoping that would block the noise.

"What was that?" Aphmau turned her head my way and yawned. She must of been woken up early to find me....

"It was just someone's phone." Aaron stated.

"But who else is here? I don't see anyone..." Zane said and I froze. They are gonna find me...!...

I held my breath in as I heard feet steps getting a bit closer.

"Woof!!" Rocky pushed me fowards from behind the tree where I was crouching and I fell face first into the dirt.

"Rocky!!! WHY did you do that!!" He ran up to zane and I looked up to see the 3 of them staring at me.

"Uhhh...." I looked down scared and embarrassed..

"Y/n?" Zane asked and stuttered slightly.

"Y-yeah?" I mumbled. Looking at the floor and still on the floor.

"You need a hand?" Zane gave Aaron the dog lead and came over to me.

"N-no!!" I got up and managed to walk a few steps before stripping over something.

"Fuck!!" I shouted as I fell over again.

"Are you alight y/n?" Aphmau asked and walked over to me.

"L-leave me alone!!" I got up and felt tears in my eyes. I didn't know why I'd didn't want their help. I just looked stupid and they should have never been freinds with me. I'm a emotional wreck!!

I walked over to them and got the lead for rocky and started to walk away, but I was suddenly flipped around by the shoulder so face zane.

"Y/n!! What are you doing?!" Zane asked and he saw I had tears poring out of my eyes.

He hugged me tightly and I cried unto his shoulder wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Y/n... I'm sorry.... I was so worried about you... I thought I'd never see you again and you would stay inside your room for the rest of your life.... just know I'll be here for you. Ok?" He cried and tightened his grip around me and I tightened the embrace as well.

"o....ok...." I said between sobs.

Zane cried more and said "y/n. Don't you ever do that again please!! We where all worried so much and I was worried for you. I didn't know what to do and I knew it would have been hard for you. Your mum meant a lot to you." I cried more and so did zane.

"Why would you be friends with me if I'm causing you this much trouble?heh..?.." I joked pulling my head back sliglty so I could see his face.

"Because your amazing. I agree that nobody is prefect and even if we argue about which are the best 3 my little horsies.... all the time I have spent with you I have enjoyed and I don't regret it. And everyone else feels the same." I looked over to Aphmau and Aaron and we all smiled at each other. I also noticed the both had watery eyes... they honestly don't need to cry.

"What did I do to get you guys? You know that I'm not prefect because no one is ,but you look past the negatives and look at the the positives. Your all amazing." I looked back at zane our faces where center meters apart so.... I leaned in and kissed him with my hands on the sides of his face.

The kiss was amazing.... his lips where soft and I felt so comfortable but.... I realised he was just staying still so I pulled back...oh no out friendship is going to be awkward after this...

"I'm sorr-" He cut me off with a kiss.

Our kiss was perfect and Aphmau and Aaron just stood their smiling at us.

I doubt things will be awkward anymore because when we pulled away we both had.the goffyest smiles on out faces

(An: don't worry it's not the end. But this is the longest chapter so far. 1296 words. Wow. o.o)

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