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•.•.•.•.Things .•.•.•.•  

An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = Fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

*new things xD*

C/n = Channel Name 

(Yes your now a youtuber OK? Cool right? ;o;)

~Your pov.~

I was sitting on a bench outside the airport playing on my phone next to Jaehee. (An: I'm sorry I've been spelling her name wrong ╥﹏╥)

Suddenly I heard someone calling my name and me and jeahee both turned our head sliglty to see who it was.

"Y/n!!" I turned to see my parent's

"Mom!! Dad!! I missed you!!" We all had a small family hug then separated.

"Sir, Miss, how was your vacation?" Jaehee asked politely 

"It was great! Thank you for asking Jeahee I hope my little Y/n hasn't been as much trouble as my silly pie." My mum replied smiling at my dad and patting his arm slightly.

"Oh no, what he done this time." I say sarcastically and raise a eyebrow at my dad.

"Nothing, nothing at all!!" He quickly said and whistled acting as if he hasn't done anything. 

"He only fell over when he was invited on the stage, for a competition between some other random people in the audience" we both laughed a bit and I looked at jaehee who had a smile on her face.

"Wow, the monster is smiling!?!?!!?!!" I said shocked and sarcastically.

"Miss y/n!!" She wisper shouted and my parents laughed sliglty.

"Jaehee it was a joke, loosen up a bit! But seriously you should smile more it suits you rather tham the serious workaholic face" I laughed and she smiled slightly. "Oh!!! Mum ,dad!!! I've had an idea!!"

"For once, shes using her brain!! My oh my what has the world come to!!" He said sarcastically with a shocked expression and a eyes closed smile.

"You should let everyone in the business work in their pyjamas!!!" I said confidentially.

"I take that back" my dad joked and sighed whilst face palming.

"Hey!" I jokingly pouted back to his comment.

"Oh Y/n he was joking dont worry dear. So shall we start heading back home everyone?"

We all chanted yes and started to leave, while I thought about our convocation we had. Its times like this that made me happy....Really happy.

After that we dropped of Jaehee and went home. I told them about the meeting and they understood and where just glad I was able to go to get the business offer anddddd I made new friends. 

~time skip~

Buzz Beep.      (An: Idk????)

I yawned and reached out to my bedside table. Then I sat up a bit and checked my phone. 1message. It was 9:13am. The text was from Aphmau.

A= Aphmau     Y= You

A= Hey Y/n today me and the girls are going to go shopping and stay at my place for a sleepover. You wanna come?

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