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Authors note from May 27th 2017:
I recently realised that this book was badly written, and I had never read through the chapters. However, I will not edit it, since it may show how I can grow and improve as a writer. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading.

•.•.•.•. Things .•.•.•.•

An: = Authors notes

 (lol dont need to read them its just me questioning the crap I say xD)

Y/n = your name 

F/c = Fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

~your pov~

My parents are finally on vacation after 5 years of non stop hard work for the company. They never over work them selfs ,but even though I'm not going to take over the company they should of known that I would not of minded taking over for a week or so. I mean what's the point in having a level A+ in business studied if I'm not going to use it?

Today I have a meeting with... Zianna Ro'meave... Oh!! I've heard of the Ro'meave corporation before, Irene knows what they do though. I've always been to busy watching my little pony to memorise what every corporation does. However, I know that the Ro'meave corporation is HUGE and why would they want to work with out corporation? We are a small company that has made few games ,but all the games have been in the top game charts once they came out. (An: Is the top game charts a thing? o~o I mean I think it is...?)

~later that day~

I am meeting Miss Ro'meave at.. Olive Garden? I have personally never been, however I did not think many people went for formal meetings like this. This is the first thing I've had to do whilst being in charge of my parents business ,which they had told me would happen, and I needed to make notes about this meeting for my parents so they could call Zianna once they where back tomorrow.

I decided to wear something formal, even if it end up being a unformal meeting at olive garden.Soooooooo.... Yes. I'm sitting in my parents office at 2pm wearing my pyjamas.. Oh well, let's go home and get changed then I can go to olive garden.

As I walked out the office ,that I had been sitting in for 8hours each day for the past 6days, I got many people smiling and greeting me as I made my way to knock on my mums secretary's office. 

Knock knock knock.

"Do you wanna build snowmannnnn?" I said immaturrly.

"Miss Y/n? Must you really sing that in a working environment?" She answered and opened the door to me smiling a large goofy smile. 

"Hahah, why so formal Jaehea?" (An: mystic messenegerrrrrr ;p ) I questioned walking into her office as she moved to the side allowing enough space for me to enter.

"Miss Y/n, I must talk formally to my bosses daughter, but what brings you here you have not needed my assistance all week."

"Oh!! Can you take over my office for a bit while I go to the meeting with Zianna?Here's the keys to the office make sure you lock up after." I said smiling with my eyes closed, and thinking about how I called it 'my office' which would soon my my parents once again.

"Yes, of course. You should of let me take your place more often over this week, Miss Y/n."

"Why? I have been doing fine. There's no need to give you the extra work is there?"

"Well I just thought because..." She examines my pyjamas with a worried look. " well miss Y/n it looks like you have been cooped up in that office all week and your still wearin-"

"Yes pyjamas!! I wore them so I was cozy and comfy whilst looking through letter and signing a few things. Personally I think everyone should be allowed to wear pyjamas while working!" I said smiling then laughing at myslef softly.

"I'm glad your only our boss for a weak.." She shakes her head and sighs.

"Excuse me?!" I said jokingly

"Oh miss Y/n, I'm sorry that was rude of me! You must get going soon Ill take your position imminently!" She quickly bowed lightly pushed me out of the room and locked the door.

"BYE JAEHEA!!" I yelled jumping up and down with a big smile and wave ,as she speed walked away to my office.

An: WooHoo!! First Chapter done!

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