☆chapter 8☆

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An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = Fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name

~Your pov.~

I was currently helping Aphmau with her mums annual new years party ,which was at her mums and erics house. However Eric and Aaron where making a hot tub outside. It was a bit last minute but Eric was really excited about it so nobody minded.

Whilst I was helping Aphmau had told me about her and Aaron and everything  that had happened. Aarons parents seemed really horrible but I couldn't say that.

"Woah. Aph I hope you and Aaron have a good relationship and no more bad stuff happens" I said kinda shocked while I was preparing some food.

"Same here. So y/n. I heard you and Zane where close. " she giggled after that statement.

"Yeah we would be where best friends right?" I said kind of confused why she brought up the topic.

"Yeah. Yeah. Butttttt" she said giggling a lot at the end.

"But what?" I said looking at her suspiciously.

She giggled more.

"You don't. Like him any other way?" She giggled sliglty but mostly gave me a wide grin.

"I like annoying him accasionly." I said smirking.

"Do you want to date zane?" Aphmaus mum said bluntly.

"W-what?! No I don't want to date mylittleponylover23 on wattpad" I said laughing but sliglty blushing.

"That's his wattpad account I knew he had one!!" Aphmau said and we both laughed after.

"So y/n how come you are not doing anything  with your family this new years?" Aphmaus mum asked.

"Oh. I spent Christmas with them and I think they had a new years party to attend to for the business." I told her.

"Your parents are not like aarons are they?" She said giving me a worried look.

"N-no but aarons parents are fine now right?" I asked I didn't want to admit I thought they where horrible.

"Yes but do they spend time with you as a family and are always there for you? And they don't mind you not being in their business?" She asked one after each other with out any breaths until after.

"Yes of course! They let me carry my career of being a YouTuber and I can't remember a time they haven't helped me." I said smiling.

"Mom leave her be not everyone who owns a business is like that!" Aphmau turned to her mum with all the food prepared.

"Yay we finished!!" I said punching the air.

After that I sat with Aphmau and waited for the guests to arrive and I played on my phone. I got a text from zane.

Z= zane      Y= you

Z: y/n! I need to look like a girl!

Y: what? Haha you serious 😂😂

Z: yes. I need to get revenge on Laurence for not letting me get my beauty sleep.

Y: ok, go to my house.

I put my phone in my pocket and smiled.

"Aphmau I'm going home to get changed into something  nicer is that OK?" I shouted up the stairs.

I walked to the front door and heard some shout back 'yes see you later'. Then I left.

~Time skip~

I walked to my house and was about to open the door but I heard a certain someone.

"Y/n!!" I turned around and saw zane jogging towards to me.

"Hey zane." I said and walked a few steps away from my front door and to zane.

"Your joking aren't you?!" Zane said and looked up to my house with his mouth hanging wide open.

"What do you mean? Also my parents will be home soon and they are a bit crazy" I said and laughed a bit then put my key in the door and opened it.

~zanes pov.~

She lived in a mansion!? Well it wasn't a mansion but it was a massive house!!

Wait she had unlocked the door!? She isn't joking.

"Are you just going to stand out there?" She said laughing at me.

I walked into her house.

"It's massive!?!" I said shocked.

"Zane I don't understand  what's up its just a house. Anyways your coming to my room to be pampered" she laughed more.

"This is no joking matter I need revenge!" I shouted. She laughed more. Her laugh and smile where beautiful... what did I just say?

~time skip~

"NO NO NO!!" I shouted

"come on wear this dress it's bright pink and-" I cut y/n off because I was not wearing that dress!!


"Come on zane. You can wear tights with it but pleasee~" she cooed.


"Fine!!" Then she grabbed a long purple dress.

"this one!!" She said lifting it up.

"That's better!!" I said.

"Now put it on!!" She shouted and pushed me unto her bathroom then shit the door.

(An: I know it's supposed to say shut but imma leave it as shit 😂😂)

After I came out wearing the dress she but out laughing.

"It's not funny!!" I yelled.

"OK ok. Now makeup and hair!!" I hated that she was doing this but I needed revenge on little Laurence.

She pushed me over to a seat in front of a dressing table and looked at me in the mirror. And started comparing hair extensions to my colour hair.

"Hmm what about this?" She got a pink wig out.

"No!!" I yelled.

"Fine then hair extensions it is but if you ruin them I'm gonna kill you!!" She glared at me.

(An: if you don't have back hair you magical some how have black hair extensions  matching zanes hair xD)

After that she put on makeup and we chatted for a bit about my plan to take revenge on little Laurence but I then heard the door open.


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