~chapter 17~

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An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name

M/n = Moms name


~Your pov.~

"I... I-" I loved him and I hoped for a relationship eventually but... Maybe... Maybe he will have second thoughts and our friendship will be ruined.

"Forget I ever said anything. Don't worry about it for now." He said and soothed me by stroking the top of my hair.

"bark bark!!" Rocky barked at us and we soon went back home.

~A few hours later.~


(An: Idk xD)

Oh a text! I quickly grabbed my phone and checked who it was from. It was from Dante.

'Hey y/n! Me and some of the others are going to the fair that opened. U wanna join? 😊'

I texted back.

'Yeah sure! I'd love to go. Also I'll ask zane if he will join us as well. If you don't mind. 😊'

Zane had left my house after we walked rocky, and he wasn't at work today so I'm sure he'd like to come.

Dante text back.

'Sure. As long as he won't be a antisocial party popper 😂💩 Meet us at my house in about half an hour.'

I laughed then text zane.

"Zaneeeeeeeee!!! Will you come the fair with us? 😊❤'

I assumed he would undertsand who 'us' was, it was our friends.  Then I waited a few minutes. Where is his text back!? Maybe his phone died...


I checked my phone. Finally!! He replied back!

'Yeah sure. Where are we meeting? Also there can't be that many people. 😑'

'There is!! And we are meeting at Dante's house in about 20 minutes. It was half an hour before you took ages to reply. 😑😂❤'

'Okay, see you soon ❤'

Wait.... he put a heart!! Awwwh.

(An: Has a huge fangirl moment. Screams.)

~At Dante's and Travis's house.~


I stood waiting for the door to open. A minutes passed.

"DANTE!? TRAVIS!? IT'S Y/N!!!" I shouted then knocked a few more times. Where was he!? He was supposed to be home. I growled then heard a noise behind me.

"Y/n? Why are you shouting and hurting the door? Are you that impatient?" I turned around to see zane smirking a bit.

"Shut up!! I've been waiting way to long for him to open this dam door!" I huffed and folded my arms. Zane smiled then came over and hugged me.

"I was joking. I'm sorry" He smiled and leaned his head on my head as I stood and frowned. I am not inpatient!!

"We need garroth!! He is good at breaking doors." I said looking up at zane slightly. He then laughed and released me from the hug.

"Maybe you should phone. You might of gone to the wrong place to meet up." He said shrugging slightly. I checked again.

"Yeah we where sipped to meet here. I just checked the message." I said with a worried face. Maybe Dante was just trying to pull a prank on us?

"Let's go through the back?"

"Are you sure we can do that?"

"It's better than standing here looking like lost sheep."

"True maybe we should just go to the fair? Maybe they are already there?"

"I might just go home and watch my little horsies...."

"Awwwwh. But Zaneeee. I wanna go the fair!!"

"But y/nnnnnnnn I wanna watch my little horsies."

"What's up with you love birds?" We heard someone say.

We turned away from facing each other and both me and Zane where staring at Lucinda.

"Hey lucinda!!" I said and Zane replied a few seconds later.

"..............l-love birds?!......" He asked shocked and then we both blushed slightly at the sight of lucinda smiling at us both.

"Anyways.. Dante wanted me to tell you that everyone was already at the fair ...because Dante was stupid and completely forgot about him inviting you... He also forgot about me and Kim as well.!!.. Kim in my car so would you two want to be driven there with us?" She said mostly jabbering on.

"Sure! Thanks lucinda!" I said skipping to her car and grabbing zanes arm while on the way.

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