~chapter 15~

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An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name

M/n = Moms name


~Your pov.~

There was currently music blasting through the house and everyone was enjoying them self's.

I had given Aphmau her present and explained what had happened to eveyone else. After I did I got attacked with hugs and everyone said how they missed me and they where happy I'm ok.

My dad and I where both currently in the back garden away from the party looking at the stars.

"She will be so proud of you"

My dad smiled and I knew 'she' Was mum.

"Whys that?"

"You have grown to be a strong woman y/n and to be honest... Maybe I'm jelly that you have grown up and eventually you won't need little old me." He joked.

"Dad!! Don't say that I'll always need you silly!!" I said hugging him.

"So you and Zane huh?" He joked looking at me with a closed eye smile.

"D-dad!!!" I stuttered embarrassed.

"It just looks obvious. My little princess found her prince" He cooed and I blushed.

"Well.... he's important to me... he helped me so much.. and we always enjoy each others company so maybe just maybe I have a little... tiny crush." I laughed a bit awkwardly.

I felt a warm pair of arms wrap around me. Who the hell was it!?

"Speaking of the devil" my dad said straight after I felt someone embrace me from behind.

I turned my head back a bit to see zane.

"O-oh... Z-zane I Uhhh... oh yeah!! I got you something!!" I stuttered trying to think of something to say.

"What? Why?" I handed him a bag and he unwrapped one arm from around me and looked inside with it.

"Do you like it?..."  I asked worried it.

"I.. I love it!!!!" He spun me around to face him and hugged me. I hugged back and deepened the embrace.

Over zanes shoulder I saw my dad making a love heart shape with his hands so I stuck my tongue out to him.

"Where did you get all this from?! You should have it back it probably cost a lot.." I shook my head.

I had only gotten him a pinkie cake phone case, pinkie cake jumper, and some tickets to spend 2 days at a my little horsies theme park. Sadly I couldn't manage to get the money for more than 2 tickets.

"I'm happy you like it and seriously don't worry about how much I spent. I needed to say thank you....For helping me zane." I smiled at him.

"Will you come with me to my little horsies land?" We both laughed a bit.

"Yeah sure, but are you sure you don't want to go with anyone else?" I asked.

"No!! That wouldn't be fair! Your brought the tickets"

"Sure then. Anyways shall we get back to the party?" I questioned.

"Yeah we should." Zane kissed my fore head before walking ahead and my cheeks burnt a bit.

I walked back inside to see Aphmau stare at me with a mischievous grin. Oh no. I quickly ran towards Dante and Travis.

"Hide me!!!" I said and stood behind them both and they gave me a confused look.

Aphmau walked over but didn't see me so walked away. Thank irene.

"So what was that about?" Dante asked turning to me.

"Aphmau." They both pulled a 'o' face.

"Anyways . Awsome party y/n and I'm glad your ok." Travis said happily.

"Thanks and yeah it's a good party when you aren't being hunted down by aphmau" I joked.

After some time eveyone left and I had enjoyed catching up with all my friends. Me, dad and Zane where cleaning up, however suprisngly there was not much cleaning to do.

After a while I walked up to zane.

"Zaneeeeeeeee. I'm boreddddd." I complained.

"Well once we finish cleaning up we can watch some movies if you want." Zane suggested.

"Yay!! Sure!!" I shouted happily.

"Doesnt your old man get to join?" My dad said jokingly hurt.

"Sure if you want dad!" I smiled back.

"Don't worry I'm gonna head off to bed soon. Wouldn't want to ruin your date." My dad said winking and saying the last bit only loud enough for me to hear.

~a few hours later.~

Me and Zane had watched a film and we had been cuddleing each other for the whole movie. My back against his chest and out legs lightly intertwined. He had his arms around me protectively and I hugged onto one of his arms .

"Zane." I said quietly and soothingly.

"Zaneeeeeeeee" I said a bit louder.

I then looked back to see him asleep.. his mask was no longer get covering his face and he looked adorable.

I kissed his cheek then snuggled into his chest and fell asleep.

(An: So cute... why can't it Be real?! T^T)

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