~Chapter 11~

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An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = Fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name


~Zane's pov.~

~later at the new years party.~

"BOO!!" All of the girls shouted as well as me.

They all screamed and a few 'Omi!!' Was heard ,which caused eveyone who was part of the prank to laugh some of us rolling around on the floor laughing their heads off.

~Time skip.~

After the prank I spent the time trying to break Laurence's heart, however I couldn't since he kept reconised me. I didn't know what to do since if he new I was zane then he would flip and we live together!! After this I decided to go find y/n.

~your pov.~

I was with Katelyn and lucinda ,who where arguing over irene knows what, when I heard a small "pssst' from behind me. At first I ignored it and carried on watching lucinda and Katelyn laughing at their argument. I took a sip of my drink then heard another 'psst' but louder.

(An: I was gonna say beer since we are adults and can drink that but I know some people probably would want a coke or something ;-; xD)

Once again I ignored it and took another sip of my 'drink' (cough alcahol cough) and then someone grabbed my hand from behind me and I jolted towards wherever they where taking me.

"Hey!! I nearly spilt my drink!!" I yelled whilst turning around.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Calm down we have a problem." It was zane and he looked slightly worried.

"What's up pinkie zane?" I said laughing a bit and he blushed slightly at his name.

"D-dont call me that. And Laurence is going to reconise who I am!!" He said wispered yelling.

"Well just go over and chuck some water in his face and go. That's plenty of revenge." I said sarcastically and laughed a bit after.

"Then what was the point in me looking like a girl!!" He wispered shouted.

"Because you look pretty." I said once again sarcastically.

"Seriously! What should I do!" He wispered shouted.

"I don't kn-" I was cut of by Laurence!?

"Hey Zana. I see you and y/n are becoming food friends." He said looking at us both.

"Yep!!" I quickly replied with a smile.

"So Zana we haven't really seen much of each other at this part have we?" He turned to zane and asked.

"U-uhh. No little Laurence." He said in his girl voice and I face palmed when he said 'little Laurence'.

"Zane. I know it's you....." Laurnece said and I burst out laughing.

"What!?!?!?" Zane shouted loosing his female voice and everyone turned to us.

"I kinda knew the whole time. Y/n? Where you the one who helped him with the dress and stuff?" I nodded finishing laughing and he laughed slightly.

Zane was a bit annoyed with the sudden attention from eveyone else and walked outside through the front door.

"Oh zane... I'll go get him." I told eveyone and walked out.

"Zane??" I questioned as I waked out the front door.

After walking to the front of Aphmaus home I looked down the street to see zane walking home.

"Zane!!" I yelled whilst running towards him and he stopped where he was.

He turned around and I hugged him and both of out faces heated up sliglty.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled

"It's fine" He reassured me and hugged me back.

"Are you ok?" I asked concerned.


"What's wrong?"

"I feel stupid in this dress."

We where both still hugging and I hugged tighter.

"You wanna come back to my place and I'll take of your makeup and you can get your clothes you left at my house." I said looking up at him and smiling, trying to lighten the mood.

"Sure. Thanks" he said looking me straight in the eyes.

~Time skip. At your home.~

Once me and Zane got home and he was back to his old clothing and look we chatted and realised it was about 3am.

"I should go home..." Zane said looking at the time.

"Maybe you should stay in a guestroom?" I suggested.

"You have one? Wait actually I'm not suprised with how big this house is" we both laughed.

We where on the couch in my parents living room.

"I wonder when my parents are gonna be home?" I said worried for my parents.

"Thy where at a business party right? "Zana eased looking at my worried face looking at the clock in the living room.

"Yeah.. I didn't think a business party would be this long..." I said with a more worried tone.

"They will be ok... dont worry... why not try calling them?" Zane asked and gently patted my shoulder.

"Good idea!" I jumped of the sofa and picked up my phone then dialed my mum's number....

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