~Chapter 18~

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(An: for some reason I change between saying 'candy floss' and 'cottan candy' don't ask why xD)


An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name

M/n = Moms name


~Lucinda's pov.~

As I where driving to the fair, me kim y/n and Zane where all chatting and listening to music. I then had an amazing idea!!

A while ago I had attempted to put a love potion on damien and kawaii~chan. Maybe I should do the same to y/n and Zane? Only because, like before, its a bit boring that Aaron and Aphmau are the only relationship!!

Also it was obvious that they liked each other. It was ANNOYING that they liked each other but where both still only friends. I'll just speed things up a bit. It's better sooner than later right?

We had just reached the fair and as everyone was walking to the entrance I quickly opened the back card door and grabbed my 'Car Emergency Magic Potions'.

What? A girl needed her emergancy magic potions everywhere she goes. What if I needed a fire potion because I some how managed to be trapped somewhere cold?

Anyway. I grabbed 2 love potions. I was either going to put it on their food or in their drink. Whatever was easier.

Once I locked my car and catched up to them ,we went to find the others. Y/n brought some candy floss on the way and she was sharing it with zane. Perfect!! Now I just needed to add the potion in the candy floss!

(An: if you don't like candy floss it can be anything else's you want it to be. You can even be a eating a unicorn with zane if you wanted o-o)

"Hey y/n." I said smiling. "So I was wondering... over there is a f/c plushie of your favourite animal. Maybe we should try to get it?" I said pointing towards a stand that had many different coloured animal plushies.

"Thanks lucinda!! Zane look!!" She yanked zanes arms and he spun around to face the game. It was a darts game I think.

"It's your favorite animal! Hey let me try to get you one!" Zane told y/n. Awwwwh they are so cute.

"Lucinda can you hold my candy floss??" Y/n asked and I gladly took it off her.

"Hey kim?" Kim had been with us the whole time but she had been kinda quite.

"Y-yeah?" She asked.

"Can you hold this for a second while I get a potion out." I asked and she nodded and grabbed the cottan candy. I needed to be quick before zane or y/n noticed.

I got one potion out since now they where sharing candy floss. I then started to pour it on the candy floss and the pink liquid emmidiently obsorved into the candy floss.

"Wait... aren't y/n and Zane going to eat this? What's in the potion." Kim questioned slightly worried.

"A love potion~" I cooed and she was a bit shocked.

"Wait!? Are you sure? I heard a lot of stupid things have happened because of these." She worried to much.

"It will be fine I will keep an eye on them don't worry. The spell will wear off in a few hours anyways don't worry." I said reassuringly with a smile.

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