Chapter 6!!

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An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = Fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name

~Dante's pov.~

Aaron had arrived at our house and was staying the night so that Aphmau could have a girls night. And then I remembered  that we took that girl to Aphmaus house. Maybe she was there?

"Sooooo.Dante. Aaron. What we watching?" Travis questions whilst walking in the living room where we where sitting watching doctor who. (An: doctor who is currently on TV while in writing this ;o;)

"Doctor who" Aaron quickly replied with his eyes glued to the screen.

I looked up from my phone.

"Do Aaron who's at aphs sleepover?" I asked.

"I think it's lucinda, Katelyn, kawaii~chan, Aphmau and her new friend y/n. Maybe some others."

"Who's y/n?" I said

"You recon it's that girl from earlier Dante?  Travis looked at me a bit wide eyed and with a questioning look on his face.

"That's what I was thinking bit we never got her name did we?" I turned my face towards Travis.

"Maybe that's her . we could go knock on and say hi quickly. I did want to drop of a few things that Aphmau left in the maid cafe but I was going to wait until tomorrow " Aaron said.

"Can we prank them while we are at it?" Travis grinned

"Katelyn will kill us Travis!!"I said

"I'm think it will be fun as long as we don't do anything  really bad." Aaron said.

I didn't expect him of all people to agree.

"Finee" I said sighing a bit.

~your pov.~

Me and the girls had been having fun playing video games and stuffing our faces with food and getting to know each other better ,and we had even played truth or dare.

We had been dared to do stupid stuff like eating super hot chilly and putting ice down our pants and the truths where fairly ok and where just things like 'what's the most embarrassing  memory you have' or 'who was your first kiss'.

I couldn't believe Aphmau's first kiss was garroth.

All the game I had said dare and been forced to do some stupid but hilarious  things. And we agreed on one more turn for everyone and I was last.

"Y/n truth or dare! " Aphmau asked with a small grin on her face.

"Truth" I said smiling back at her.

"Awwwh... you said dare each time I had the perfect dare." Aphmau pouted pretending to be upset.

"Just give me a truth!!" I laughed at Aphmau being fake upset

"Fine. Hmmm..... I know!! Because you asked me this I will ask you! Who was your first kiss!" Aphmau chanted a bit giggling after.

"Well.... I kinda never had my first kiss...heh..I've never had time for romance because of my family life and I was home schooled all my life." I said sliglty embarrassed.

"Your whole life?" Katelyn said raising her head from her phone.

"Yeah... I had a tutor come in and teach me perfectly so I got perfect grades." I was a bit sad but I knew I shouldn't make a big deal out of it. It was in the past.

"I was schooled until I went to highs chook weren't you lonely?  I know I was." Aphmau said a bit concerned.

"Not really  was a only chold ,but I had a few good friends who lived near and I saw cousins every now and again ,but that was in the past it doesn't matter now." I said trying to sound cheerfull so I didn't ruin the mood from happy to sad.

"Kawaii~chan feels bad for y/n~senpai and you know you have us now and your happy so everything  turned out good didn't it!?" Kawaii~Chan cheerfully replied and I smiled.

"Yes it did and we are all so happy we met you y/n!!" Lucinda said and this made me smile even more.

"Thanks guys!!" I said Cheerfully and we all had a group hug.

After we had the group hug Aphmau jumped up and said "now for a movie!!"

"Horror movie!!" Me, lucinda and Katelyn jumped up and kawaii~chan and Aphmau jumped a bit.

"Come on you two, it's a tradition in a sleepover to watch a horror movie."Lucinda complained.

We eventually  agreed and throughout  the film we all jumped buy mostly kawaii~chan and Aphmau. Then I heard something outside but no one else heard.

"I'm getting a drink" I wispered loud enough for them all to hear.

I walked to Aphmau kitchen and hear another sound. Form the... garden??

I walked out quickly and looked around. It was pretty dark and I could see the light outlines of the house and whatever else was in the garden. Then...


(An: swearing here so I'll do another an when it stops if u don't like swearing)

"FUCK!! YOU FUCKING ASS SHIT BULLSHIT CRAP FACE!! I yelled and kicked whatever was there. And I head a yelp from whatever I kicked.

"Firstly mind your language miss!!
secondly why did you kick me?!
Thirdly your pretty dam strong."

I reconised the voice.

"Dante wtf are you trying to scare the crap out of me?" I said sighing

(An: end of swearing)

"Language!!--"and I cut of whatever he was going to say after.

"English." I said smirking.

Then I heard screaming form the house and Katelyn.

"Travis I'm going to kill you!!!!" She shouted and I heard a loud punch assuming Katelyn punched Travis.

"See even Katelyn can mind her mouth when she's annoyed." Dante said trying to keep a straight face.

"Well go watch one of my vids when I play horror games and then what I said before will be nothing compared to that. " I said laughing.

"What your youtube name?" Dante asked

"C/n" I said and we both walked back inside.

An: yayayayay  thanks for reading!!! ^-^

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