~My little horsie land 2~

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(An: sorry for lack of updates I haven't had much time or inspiration Dx)


An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name

M/n = Moms name


~Your pov.~
~Your Dream.~

"Mommy!!! Look at this it's a show about horsies and unicorns and pegases!!" Young Y/n said happily to her mum.

"Wow what a magical show~" my mum replied happily.

"None of my freinds watch this show though.." I said sadly.

"Oh sweetie, it's fine. It's always good to have different interests because that is what will make you different from your freinds right?" My mum smiled trying to make me feel better.

"But I want to talk to someone about my favourite my little horsie and see if they like that horsie as well!!" I pouted and crossed my arms.

"You can talk to me about it" My mum still smiled. I remember how much she use to smile.... she had a kind smile..

"Thanks mommy!!" Young y/n hugged her mum with a closed eye smile. "But when I find another freind who likes my little horsies as much as me they will be my best freind!!"

~End of FlashBack~

I woke up and smiled at the memory of me with my mum. I guess I did become best freind with someone ,who liked my little horsies as much as me. I looked around the hotel room and admired the decorated walls and floor ,which matched.

The walls where the sky with a few pegases flying with the white fluffy clouds. Then the carpet was a grassy green colour. I must admit I admired the dedication they put into the room design. The few furniture where simple so the decoration could be noticed more and make it feel magical.

I got out of bed and made my way to look out the window. I gently pushed the curtains to the side ,then rested my arms on the ledge and admired the view. Out of the window you could see some of the rides and the different shops that where all brightly painted and it looked so happy.

Knock Knock Knock

There was a small knock at the door and I smiled then raised my voice to say "come in".

Zane walked in with his hair a bit of a mess and still in his pjamas. He yawned and stood next to me on my right.

"Good morning zane. Did you sleep well? " I said Cheerfully turning my gaze to him slightly.

"Yeah I did... the bed was so comfy and soft it engulfed me into a deep slumber straight away" He told me rubbing my eyes and we both chuckled slightly at his statement.

"Yeah! I had the best sleep ever last night!" I said giggling slightly at the end when I felt a heavy weight on my right shoulder.

Zane was resting his head on my shoulder with his eyes open slightly. "Thank you so much y/n. This has already been the best experience of my life and we have been here 2 days." He said laughing and his laugh vibrated down my shoulder.

"Hey! Stop! Remeber I brought them tickets  because you helped me when my mum died." I smiled at him and lifted his head of my shoulder so I was able to hug him. "I should be the one thanking you." I smiled into his shoulder when we embraced.

"So we going to get some pancakes today or something else?" Zane questioned as we released from the hug.

"We have to Have pancakes evey day otherwise we will ruin our pancakes evey day streak!" I joked.

"Oh but of course." Zane laughed with me.

"Anyways I'm going to get changed so I'll meet you downstairs in the cafe and whoever gets their last has to pay for the pancakes. Deal?" I smirked.

"Deal" Zane accepted the challange.

~Time skip~


How did you beat me down here!?" Zane complained whilst we where sitting waiting for out dishes to arrive.

"Because I'm not slow when I know I'll have to pay." I tormented him.

I had won our little race and this was the first time I was paying for our meals. I had insisted the last 2 days that I would pay and I even payed the cashiers before zane had said our meals.

This was a thank you to him and he shouldn't need to pay for anything.

~another time skip~

Me and Zane had been enjoying rides and enjoying our self's all day. I had been texting eveyone to make sure they where all okay but my phone had died.

"H-hey... can we go watch the fire works tonight?" Zane asked and stuttered at the start for some reason.

"There's fireworks tonight!? Wow I didn't even know but yeah sure!" I smiled happily.

"There with the parade that goes through the street evey night but we have seen that already" Zane added and I nodded in aproval.

(An: everything happens when theirs fireworks lololol)

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