~My little horsie land 3~

117 3 3


An: = Authors notes/thoughts

Y/n = your name 

F/c = fav colour 

F/f = favourite food 

C/c = clothes of your choice

C/n = Channel Name

M/n = Moms name


~Your pov.~

As me and Zane lay on the empty fields filled with flowers, fireworks lit up the sky and reflected on both of our faces.

We both wanted to say the three words that wispered deep inside but our brains ignored them.

It's never as easy as it looks... saying three words that could change the world. The three words that will change us forever.

I sat up from the soft comforting grass and turned my head towards zane. His hair was blowing in the gentle breeze and more of his handsome face was revealed.

I blushed slightly as he sat up and he examined my face, looking for a sign to why I had gotten up. I sighed. I was tired of me being unable to say these words.

"Are you ok?" He asked and gently placed the back of his hand onto my forehead to check my temperature.

I blushed more and looked him straight in the eyes. "Zane.... I need to tell you something... but I can't.. I'm nervous..." I told him and my face was burning.

"I need to tell you something as well.... but I can't say it...I'm also nervous..." He gently smiled at me reassuringly.

After this we stayed in silence ,besides the fireworks popping and banging, but this silence stopped when....

"I love you!" We blurted out at the same time.

We looked up at each other quickly, we where both shocked our of our minds. If he liked me.... then..

I wrapped an arm around his neck and kissed him gently. As we pulled away and looked into each others eyes we fell in love more and more...

It was true love.

An: this chapter was short I'm sorry. I just lost all my ideas for this book and didn't want to ruin it by writing to much or never finish writing this book. Thank you eveyone who reads it. My writing had improved more than I could ever imagine and I doubt I'll make a sequel but this book had boosted my convince because of the positive support I have gotten. Thank you so much <3

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