Chapter 00: I Miss You

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Chapter 00: I Miss You

White surrounded me. I was in white robes, the room was white. I looked around. Was I in the afterlife? I started to walked forwards, not knowing where to go. I kept looking around expecting to see something. I heard a faint whisper from ahead. My head jerked in that direction. I squinted my eyes trying to see ahead. I started to slowly walk in that direction. The faint whispers started to get louder and louder. Was I imagining things? It cannot be!

"Jessica . . ."


"Jessica . . ."


"Jessica . . ."


I started to run in the direction of the voices. Once I ran for a moment, I saw them, my family. I ran as fast as I could towards them. I ran closer and closer to them. Missing them for years. Wanting them by my side for years. My mother and father both had their hands out for me to run into. I jumped into my parents arms. I started to cry, almost to the point where I was sobbing. I let go of them a minute later and turned to my brothers. I hugged them as tight as I could. I stopped crying and took a step back from them. I looked at all of them. I wiped away the tears and looked at them. I was in the afterlife. I was with my family. I was . . . happy.

"Jessica, you are so grown up." mother said

I smiled, "I missed you all."

My father took a step forward, "We missed you too, but we all watched you from here."

I looked around, "Where is here, exactly?"

My oldest brother spoke, "The afterlife."

"Does every one come here once they die?"

"Sì. Even if they believe different. We all eventually die and come here."

My mother extended her arms to show the white that surrounded us. I looked to father and then to my brothers.

"So, what now?"

My father looked over to my mother and back to me.

"Jessica, our time is short."

"What do you mean? I thought I was dead!"

"Jessica, your time is not now, but later."

Tears threatened in my eyes, "What do you mean?" I managed to croak

"Jessica, you still have much to live, much to see." Mother spoke

I looked to them all. A tear fell down my face. My second oldest brother took a few steps towards me and wiped away the tear. I looked at him in the eyes.

"Brother, I-"

He put a hand up to stop me, "Jessica, there is a reason your life was spared on that day and not ours."

My other brother took a few steps to stand beside my brother, "Jessica, you have potential. Something we could never have."

"But you were both better Assassins than me."

My father took the few steps towards us and put a hand on my shoulder. He smiled at me.

"No, we watched you grow up into a fine woman and a great Assassin. Just as great as Altaïr."

I shook my head, "I could never be as good as him, even if he is in our family line, I could never be as great as him. He changed our Creed, he made us better Assassins. I never did that."

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