Chapter 13: Trapped

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Chapter 13: Trapped

Year: 1503

Month: August

Roma, Isola Tiberina

I woke up and got out of bed and walked out of our room and got out the kettle and filled it with water and made a fire. I set the kettle on the hook and let the water boil. I walked back to the kitchen and was thankful Antonio had sent me a huge bag of café. I got the bag down and walked over to the kettle and put in a few scoops of the café beans and shut the lid to the kettle. I might have to send another letter to Antonio and ask him for more or at least tell me who his supplier is. I love this stuff.

Fabio walked out of the room shortly after I did and walked in and sat down at the kitchen table. As I waited for the café to boil, I got out some naan bread and buttered it and cut up some fruit, I put it on a plate and made each of us some. I heard the kettle start to whistle. I walked over to the fireplace and got the kettle out and poured us both some café. I heard a groan from the couch. I walked over to get a cup and poured some café and put in some milk and sugar. I heard from Antonio that Ezio suggested it. I had laughed when he wrote Messer Milk-and-sugar instead of Ezio.

I walked out and handed Ezio the cup. He looked to it and then up to me.

"What is this?"

I chuckled, "Café, Messer Milk-and-sugar."

Ezio rolled his eyes and took a sip of it. As he did, I set the back of my hand on his forehead. He was still hot but not as hot as he was the other day. I walked over to the kitchen and got him a plate of naan bread and fruit. I walked over to the couch and kneeled down so that Ezio and I were face to face. I held out the plate for him. He sat up and took it from me.

"Fabio and I will be in the kitchen eating if you need anything, Messer Milk-and-sugar."

Ezio rolled his eyes again as I handed him his fork. I walked back out to the kitchen table and sat down and ate breakfast. I looked over to Fabio.

"Have they got a name for the new Pope?"

Fabio sighed, "A few. They are soon going to be starting an election. Julius the second in going to be one of them."

I nodded my head, "I am assuming that you would like for him to be the next Pope."

He shrugged his shoulders, "The other man, Georges d'Amboise is a favorite with the French monarchy."

"Ah, he would have been making decisions along side of Valois."

Fabio nodded his head, "Sì that is why I am voting for the other man."

I nodded my head as I finished off my plate of food. Fabio was done with his and I collected his plate and walked over to the sink and set them in there. Fabio got up and went to go change for work while I walked out to the living room to see Ezio sitting on the couch sipping at his café. I smiled when I saw him and walked over and sat down beside him.

"So, enjoying your café, Messer Milk-and-sugar?"

Ezio nodded his head, "I knew it would be a bit better with milk and sugar."

I chuckled and looked over to Ezio, "Well, I am not like Antonio and tell you that by adding milk and sugar you are running a perfectly good creation."

Ezio chuckled into his mug and took a sip. I placed my hand on the back of his forehead and he was still the same since last time I checked on him. I sighed and looked to him.

"You are going to be in bed for a few days, Ezio."

He looked over to me and nodded his head with a bit of disappointment. He took the last sip of his café and set his glass on the table with his plate. I got up and grabbed his plate and glass and walked to the kitchen and set them aside for me to clean later. I walked over to my study and started to write a letter to Antonio. Then I started to write a letter to Paola, Teodora and other people who I wasn't close to anymore. I finished writing the letters and sealed them. I walked over to my room and got changed and put on my robes and armor.

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